Смотреть что такое "caik" в других словарях:
caik — obs. Sc. f. cake; var. of caïque … Useful english dictionary
caïk — caic, caïk(e, jee see caïque, jee … Useful english dictionary
Bed and breakfast — Bed and breakfast, also known as B B, is a term, originating in the United Kingdom, but now also used all over the world, for an establishment that offers accommodation and breakfast, but usually does not offer other meals. Typically, bed and… … Wikipedia
Lin Zexu — This is a Chinese name; the family name is Lin. Lin Zexu A Chinese artist s drawing of Lin (published 1843) Viceroy of Liangguang … Wikipedia
Mid-Autumn Festival — For other harvest festivals that may be known as Mid Autumn Festival, see Mid Autumn Festival (disambiguation). For the Chinese New Year Lantern Festival known as Yuan Xiao (元宵節), Chap Goh Meh, Yuen Siu (元宵), Shang Yuan (上元), and Tết Nguyên Tiêu … Wikipedia
caïque — /kah eek /, n. 1. a single masted sailing vessel used on the eastern Mediterranean Sea, having a sprit mainsail, a square topsail, and two or more other sails. 2. a long, narrow rowboat used on the Bosporus. Also, caique. [1615 25; < F < It… … Universalium
Glossary of Buddhism — Several Buddhist terms and concepts lack direct translations into English that cover the breadth of the original term. Below are given a number of important Buddhist terms, short definitions, and the languages in which they appear. In this list,… … Wikipedia
caïque — [ kaik ] n. m. • av. 1752; caïq 1579; it. caicco, turc kaik ♦ Embarcation légère, étroite et pointue à l avant et à l arrière, en usage dans la mer Égée et sur le Bosphore. ● caïque nom masculin (turc kayik, peut être par l intermédiaire de l… … Encyclopédie Universelle
caic — caic, caïk(e, jee see caïque, jee … Useful english dictionary
caïke — caic, caïk(e, jee see caïque, jee … Useful english dictionary