- aegrotat
- [ʹegrətæt] n унив.
справка об освобождении по болезни от выпускных экзаменов (по отдельным дисциплинам)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Aegrotat — ( en. he is sick) cite book last = Pearsall first = Judy (ed.) authorlink = coauthors = title =The New Oxford Dictionary of English publisher = Oxford University Press date = 1998 location = Oxford, UK isbn = 0 19 861262 X ] is a medical… … Wikipedia
AEgrotat — [AE]*gro tat, n. [L., he is sick.] (Camb. Univ.) A medical certificate that a student is ill. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
aegrotat — (n.) certificate that a student is ill, Latin, lit. he is sick, third person singular of aegrotare to be sick, from aeger sick … Etymology dictionary
aegrotat — n. Brit. 1 a certificate that a university student is too ill to attend an examination. 2 an examination pass awarded in such circumstances. Etymology: L, = is sick f. aeger sick * * * ēˈgrōˌtat, ˈēgrō noun ( s) Etymology: Latin, he is ill, 3d… … Useful english dictionary
aegrotat — /ee groh tat , ee groh tat/, n. Brit. an unclassified degree granted a university student who has fulfilled all requirements for graduation but was prevented by illness from attending the final examinations. [1860 65; < L aegrotat lit., he is… … Universalium
aegrotat — n. he or she is ill ; certificate of student s illness for absence from university lectures or examination. ♦ aegrotat degree, degree given to student absent from examination by reason of illness … Dictionary of difficult words
aegrotat — noun a) A certificate indicating that a student is ill, excusing him or her from lectures and examinations and allowing him to pass courses for which he is too ill to finish the required materials. b) An unclassified degree awarded to such a… … Wiktionary
aegrotat — n. medical certificate of a student s illness; degree given to a student who has been absent by reason of illness … English contemporary dictionary
aegrotat — [ ʌɪgrə(ʊ)tat, i:grə(ʊ) ] noun Brit. a certificate stating that a student is too ill to take an exam. Origin C18: L., lit. he is sick … English new terms dictionary
aegrotat — ae·gro·tat … English syllables
aegrotat — /ˈaɪgrətæt/ (say uygruhtat), /ˈi / (say ee ) noun (in universities) 1. an official certificate of illness allowing a candidate to pass an examination even though he or she failed to attend part of it. 2. the degree thus taken. {Latin: he or she… …