- cadent
- [ʹkeıd(ə)nt] a
1. поэт. падающий
cadent tears - льющиеся слёзы
2. ритмический, мерный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
cadent tears - льющиеся слёзы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Cadent — can refer to: *Cadent, referring to cadence . *Cadent (heraldry), an attitude on a blazon … Wikipedia
Cadent — Ca dent, a. [L. cadens, entis, p. pr. of cadere to fall.] Falling. [R.] Cadent tears. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cadent — Cadent, fallend; in cadente domo, in der Astrologie die Stellung eines Planeten im 3., 6., 9. oder 12. Hause, wo seine Kraft geschwächt sein sollte. Ein solches Haus war ein Abschnitt der Himmelskugel, bestimmt durch Horizont, Meridian und 4… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
cadent — index periodic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
cadent — [kād′ nt] adj. 1. Archaic falling 2. having cadence … English World dictionary
cadent — adjective Etymology: Latin cadent , cadens, present participle of cadere Date: 1605 1. archaic being in the process of falling < with cadent tears fret channels in her cheeks Shakespeare > 2. having rhythmic cadence < his … New Collegiate Dictionary
cadent — /kayd nt/, adj. 1. having cadence. 2. Archaic. falling. [1580 90; < L cadent , (s. of cadens falling, prp. of cadere), equiv. to cad fall + ent ENT] * * * … Universalium
cadent — adjective Falling. The 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses in Astrology are considered cadent houses … Wiktionary
cadent — ca•dent [[t]ˈkeɪd nt[/t]] adj. 1) having cadence 2) sts archaic falling • Etymology: 1580–90; < L cadent , s. of cadēns, prp. of cadere to fall … From formal English to slang
Cadent house — In astrology, a cadent house is the last house of each quadrant of the zodiac. A quadrant begins with an angular house, (the house in which a chart angle lies) proceeds to a succedent house and ends with a cadent house. There are four quadrants… … Wikipedia
cadent — decant … Anagrams dictionary