- cadastral
- [kəʹdæstrəl] a юр.
cadastral survey - кадастровое описание собственности; кадастровый план
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
cadastral survey - кадастровое описание собственности; кадастровый план
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
cadastral — cadastral, ale, aux [ kadastral, o ] adj. • 1790; de cadastre ♦ Du cadastre. Plan cadastral. Revenu cadastral (impôt foncier; prestations agricoles). Livret cadastral. ● cadastral, cadastrale, cadastraux adjectif Relatif au cadastre. cadastral,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
cadastral — CADASTRÁL, Ă, cadastrali, e, adj. Care ţine de cadastru, privitor la cadastru. – Din fr. cadastral. Trimis de viorelgrosu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 cadastrál adj. m., pl. cadastráli; f. sg. cadastrálă, pl … Dicționar Român
Cadastral — Ca*das tral, a. [F.] Of or pertaining to landed property. [1913 Webster] {Cadastral survey}, or {Cadastral map}, a survey, map, or plan on a large scale (Usually 1/2500 of the linear measure of the ground, or twenty five inches to the mile or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cadastral — 1858, from Fr. cadastral, from cadastre register of the survey of lands (16c.), from O.It. catastico, from Late Gk. katastikhos register, lit. by the line. Gamillscheg dismisses derivation from L.L. capitastrum register of the poll tax … Etymology dictionary
cadastral — cadastral, ale (ka da stral, stra l ) adj. Qui est relatif au cadastre. Les registres cadastraux. ÉTYMOLOGIE Cadastre … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
cadastral — adj. 2 g. Relativo ao cadastro. ‣ Etimologia: cadastro + al … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Cadastral — Cadastre Extrait d’un plan terrier seigneurial de 1750, en Maine et Loire Le terme cadastre (terme provençal venant du grec médiéval κατάστιχον[1]), ou un mot apparenté étymologiquement, se retrouve dans d … Wikipédia en Français
Cadastral divisions of New South Wales — refers to the 141 counties within the Australian state of New South Wales, which are further subdivided into 7,459 parishes. There are also three Land Divisions, around 100 Land Districts, and several other types of districts as well as land… … Wikipedia
Cadastral map — Cadastral Ca*das tral, a. [F.] Of or pertaining to landed property. [1913 Webster] {Cadastral survey}, or {Cadastral map}, a survey, map, or plan on a large scale (Usually 1/2500 of the linear measure of the ground, or twenty five inches to the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cadastral survey — Cadastral Ca*das tral, a. [F.] Of or pertaining to landed property. [1913 Webster] {Cadastral survey}, or {Cadastral map}, a survey, map, or plan on a large scale (Usually 1/2500 of the linear measure of the ground, or twenty five inches to the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cadastral divisions of Queensland — refers to the divisions of Queensland used for the registration of land titles. There are 322 counties, and 5,319 parishes within the state. [http://www.nrw.qld.gov.au/museum/articles complete/mapping/cad.html] . They are part of the cadastral… … Wikipedia