- cachexia
- [kəʹkeksıə] = cachexy 2
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Cachexia — Ca*chex i*a, Cachexy Ca*chex y, n. [L. cachexia, Gr. kachexi a; kako s bad + e xis condition.] A condition of ill health and impairment of nutrition due to impoverishment of the blood, esp. when caused by a specific morbid process (as cancer or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cachexĭa — (gr., Med.), Verkümmerung des Körpers durch üble Beschaffenheit des Blutes, s. Kachexie. Cachexia virginum (Chlorose), Bleichsucht, s.d … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
cachexia — bad general state of health, 1540s, from Mod.L. cachexia, from Gk. kakhexia bad habits, from kakos bad (see CACO (Cf. caco )) + exia, related to exis habit or state, from exein to have, be in a condition, from PIE root *segh … Etymology dictionary
Cachexia — Cachexĭa, s. Kachexie. C. thyreoprīva (C. strumipriva), Ernährungsstörung nach Entartung oder Entfernung der Schilddrüse, bestehend in Anämie, Störung der Gehirnfunktionen, Anhäufung von Schleim … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Cachexia — vgl. Kachexie … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
cachexia — [kə kek′sēkə kek′sē ə] n. [ModL < Gr kachexia, bad habit of body < kakos, bad + hexis, habit < echein, to have < IE base * seg̑h , to hold fast, conquer > SCHEME] a generally weakened, emaciated condition of the body, esp. as… … English World dictionary
Cachexia — SignSymptom infobox Name = Cachexia ICD10 = R64 ICD9 = ICD9|799.4 Cachexia (pronEng|kəˈkɛksiə) is loss of weight, muscle atrophy, fatigue, weakness and significant loss of appetite in someone who is not actively trying to lose weight. [cite web… … Wikipedia
cachexia — noun Etymology: Late Latin cachexia, from Greek kachexia bad condition, from kak cac + hexis condition, from echein to have, be disposed more at scheme Date: 1541 general physical wasting and malnutrition usually associated with chronic … New Collegiate Dictionary
cachexia — n. (also cachexy) a condition of weakness of body or mind associated with chronic disease. Etymology: F cachexie or LL cachexia f. Gk kakhexia f. kakos bad + hexis habit … Useful english dictionary
cachexia — weight loss, muscle wasting, loss of appetite, and general debility, usually due to a chronic disease, or malnutrition … Dictionary of ichthyology
cachexia — cachectic /keuh kek tik/, cachectical, cachexic, adj. /keuh kek see euh/, n. Pathol. general ill health with emaciation, usually occurring in association with cancer or a chronic infectious disease. Also, cachexy /keuh kek see/. [1535 45; < LL … Universalium