
1. [ʹkæbın] n
1. хижина; лачуга, убогое жилище
2. небольшой домик, коттедж
3. кабина, будка; кабинка (купальная и т. п.)

driver's cabin - кабина водителя

4. ав. кабина самолёта (закрытая); самолётный салон
5. мор. каюта
6. = cabin class

second cabin - второй класс

cabin passenger - пассажир первого или второго класса (на пароходе)

2. [ʹkæbın] v
1. содержать в тесном помещении
2. 1) жить в хижине, лачуге
2) ютиться; жить в тесноте

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "cabin" в других словарях:

  • Cabin — Cab in (k[a^]b [i^]n), n. [OF. caban, fr. W. caban booth, cabin, dim. of cab cot, tent; or fr. F. cabane, cabine, LL. cabanna, perh. from the Celtic.] 1. A cottage or small house; a hut. Swift. [1913 Webster] A hunting cabin in the west. E.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cabin — Cab in v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Cabined} ( [i^]nd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Cabining}.] To live in, or as in, a cabin; to lodge. [1913 Webster] I ll make you . . . cabin in a cave. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cabin — (n.) mid 14c., from O.Fr. cabane hut, cabin, from O.Prov. cabana, from L.L. capanna hut (Cf. Sp. cabana), of doubtful origin. Fr. cabine (18c.), It. cabino are English loan words. Meaning room or partition of a vessel is from late 14c. Cabin… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Cabin — Cab in, v. t. To confine in, or as in, a cabin. [1913 Webster] I am cabined, cribbed, confined, bound in To saucy doubts and fears. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cabin — [kab′in] n. [ME caban < OFr cabane < OProv cabana < LL capanna, hut] 1. a small, one story house built simply or crudely, as of logs ☆ 2. any simple, small structure designed for a brief stay, as for overnight [tourist cabins] 3. a… …   English World dictionary

  • cabin — [n] tiny house; lodging berth, box, caboose, camp, chalet, compartment, cot, cottage, crib, deckhouse, home, hovel, hut, lodge, log house, quarters, room, shack, shanty, shed, shelter; concept 516 …   New thesaurus

  • cabin — ► NOUN 1) a private room or compartment on a ship. 2) the passenger compartment in an aircraft. 3) a small wooden shelter or house. ORIGIN Old French cabane, from Latin capanna …   English terms dictionary

  • Cabin — NOTOC Cabin may refer to:* Cabin (housing), small, roughly built house usually with a wood exterior and typically found in rural areas * Log cabin, a small house built from logs * Cottage, a dwelling, typically in a rural, or semi rural… …   Wikipedia

  • cabin — /kab in/, n. 1. a small house or cottage, usually of simple design and construction: He was born in a cabin built of rough logs. 2. an enclosed space for more or less temporary occupancy, as the living quarters in a trailer or the passenger space …   Universalium

  • cabin — n. compartment 1) a first class; second class cabin small house 2) a log cabin 3) a tourist cabin * * * [ kæbɪn] second class cabin [ compartment ] a first class [ small house ] a log cabin a tourist cabin …   Combinatory dictionary

  • cabin — [[t]kæ̱bɪn[/t]] cabins 1) N COUNT A cabin is a small room in a ship or boat. He showed her to a small cabin. 2) N COUNT A cabin is one of the areas inside a plane. He sat quietly in the First Class cabin of the British Airways flight looking… …   English dictionary

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