- Zambia
- [ʹzæmbıə] n геогр.
Republic of Zambia - Республика Замбия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Republic of Zambia - Республика Замбия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
ZAMBIA — (formerly Northern Rhodesia), Central African republic. The two earliest Jewish settlements in Northern Rhodesia were in Livingstone and Broken Hill. When the railway reached Victoria Falls in 1905, there were enough Jews in Livingstone to start… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Zambia — Zambia, land i Afrika. Se artiklen: Zambia … Danske encyklopædi
Zambia — [ zæmbɪə], englisch für Sambia … Universal-Lexikon
Zambia — [zam′bē ə] country in S Africa: formerly the British protectorate of NORTHERN RHODESIA, it became independent & a member of the Commonwealth in 1964: 290,586 sq mi (752,615 sq km); pop. 7,818,000; cap. Lusaka Zambian adj., n … English World dictionary
Zambia — Republic of Zambia … Wikipedia
Zambia — Zambian, adj., n. /zam bee euh/, n. a republic in S Africa: formerly a British protectorate and part of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland; gained independence 1964; a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. 9,349,975; 288,130 sq. mi.… … Universalium
Zambia — Republic of Zambia República de Zambia … Wikipedia Español
Zambia — <p></p> <p></p> Introduction ::Zambia <p></p> Background: <p></p> The territory of Northern Rhodesia was administered by the [British] South Africa Company from 1891 until it was taken over by the… … The World Factbook
Zambia — Republic of Zambia Republik Sambia … Deutsch Wikipedia
Zambia — La República de Zambia (Republic of Zambia, en inglés) es un estado sin salida al mar en el centro sur del continente africano. Limita con la República Democrática del Congo al norte, Tanzania al noreste, Malawi al este, Mozambique, Zimbabwe,… … Enciclopedia Universal
Zambia — noun a republic in central Africa; formerly controlled by Great Britain and called Northern Rhodesia until it gained independence within the commonwealth in 1964 • Syn: ↑Republic of Zambia, ↑Northern Rhodesia • Derivationally related forms:… … Useful english dictionary