Смотреть что такое "wych-" в других словарях:
wych — is the usual spelling in the name of the tree wych elm. It is apparently derived from a Germanic form meaning ‘to bend’ … Modern English usage
wych — see WITCH HAZEL (Cf. witch hazel) … Etymology dictionary
Wych — Recorded in a very wide range of spellings including Weech, Week, Weeke, Weekes, Wich, Wych, Wyche, Weetch, Wick, Wickes, Wicks, Wix, Wike, Witch, Wykes, and Whick, this is an English surname. Its relative popularity is because it is either a… … Surnames reference
wych — variant of wich * * * wych(e see which, whitch, wich, witch n … Useful english dictionary
Wych Street — was a street in London, running roughly east west to the south of Lincoln s Inn Fields, from the Strand to Drury Lane. It was in an area that was not affected by the Great Fire of London, and contained decrepit Elizabethan houses, with projecting … Wikipedia
Wych-hazel — Wych ha zel, n. (Bot.) The wych elm; so called because its leaves are like those of the hazel. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wych elm — wych′ elm [[t]wɪtʃ[/t]] n. pln a large leaved European elm, Ulmus glabra, introduced in the U.S • Etymology: 1620–30; wych wych elm, ME wyche, OE wice … From formal English to slang
wych-ha|zel — «WIHCH HAY zuhl», noun. 1. = witch hazel. (Cf. ↑witch hazel) 2. = wych elm. (Cf. ↑wych elm) … Useful english dictionary
Wych-elm — n. [OE. wiche a kind of elm, AS. wice a kind of tree. Cf. {Wicker}.] (Bot.) A species of elm ({Ulmus montana}) found in Northern and Western Europe; Scotch elm. [1913 Webster] Note: By confusion this word is often written witch elm. [1913 Webste … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Wych Kaosayananda — is a Thai film director.He is the son of famous Thai diplomat Kaosayananda . He lived and studied in Pakistan, where his father was posted in Islamabad as an ambassador.His directorial debut was Fah (1998), which at the time was the highest… … Wikipedia
wych-elm — [wich′elm΄] n. 〚< ME wyche (see WITCH HAZEL) + ELM: from the pliant branches〛 1. a small variety of elm (Ulmus glabra), native to Europe and N Asia 2. its wood * * * … Universalium