- Wilhelmina
- [͵wılhelʹmi:nə] n
Уилхелмина; Вильгельмина (женское имя)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Wilhelmina — von Oranien Nassau Wilhelmina Helena Pauline Maria von Oranien Nassau (* 31. August 1880 in Paleis Noordeinde, Den Haag; † 28. November 1962 auf Schloss Het Loo), Prinzessin von Oranien Nassau, war von 1890 bis 1948 Königin der Niederlande. Von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Wilhelmina — Wilhelmina, Königin der Niederlande (1890 1948), * Den Haag 31. 8. 1880, ✝ auf Schloss Het Loo (bei Apeldoorn) 28. 11. 1962; folgte ihrem Vater, König Wilhelm III., 1890 auf dem Thron, bis 1898 unter der Vormundschaft ihrer Mutter, Königin… … Universal-Lexikon
Wilhelmina — Wilhelmina1 [wil΄hel mē′nə, wil΄ə mē′nə] n. [Ger Wilhelmine, fem. of Wilhelm: see WILLIAM1] a feminine name Wilhelmina2 [vil΄hel mē′nä] (born Wilhelmina Helena Pauline Maria) 1880 1962; queen of the Netherlands (1890 1948) … English World dictionary
Wilhelmina — Wilhelmina, Königin der Niederlande, geb. 31. Aug. 1880 im Haag, Tochter Wilhelms III., folgte diesem 23. Nov. 1890 unter Vormundschaft ihrer Mutter, der Königin Emma, 1898 selbständig, vermählt 7. Febr. 1901 mit Herzog Heinrich von Mecklenburg… … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Wilhelmina I — (Wilhelmina Helena Pauline Maria of Orange Nassau) 1880 1962, queen of the Netherlands 1890 1948 (mother of Juliana). * * * … Universalium
Wilhelmina — f German: feminine version of WILHELM (SEE Wilhelm), formed with the Latinate suffix ina. This name was introduced to the English speaking world from Germany in the 19th century. It is now very rarely used. Variant: Wilhelmine. Cognates: Swedish … First names dictionary
Wilhelmina I — (Wilhelmina Helena Pauline Maria of Orange Nassau) 1880 1962, queen of the Netherlands 1890 1948 (mother of Juliana) … Useful english dictionary
Wilhelmina — /wil euh mee neuh, wil hel /; Du. /vil hel mee nah/, n. 1. Mount, former name of Trikora. 2. a female given name: derived from William. * * * (as used in expressions) Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard Juliana Louise Emma Marie Wilhelmina Wilhelmina… … Universalium
Wilhelmina — (1880–1962) Queen of the Netherlands. She suc ceeded her father, King William III, in 1890; during her minority un til 1898, her mother, Queen Emma, was regent. During the British blockade of South Africa around 1900, Wilhelmina won… … Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands
Wilhelmina — noun of origin; the female form of Wilhelm (William). She comforted herself however, on the first appearance of her pregnancy, that so odious a surname should be qualified in her children with the genteelest and most elegant Christian names that… … Wiktionary
Wilhelmina I — /wɪləˈminə/ (say wiluh meenuh) noun (Wilhelmina Helena Pauline Maria of Orange Nassau), 1880–1962, Queen of the Netherlands from 1890 until her abdication in 1948 …