- wicket-door
- [ʹwıkıt|dɔ:,-{ʹwıkıt}geıt] = wicket 1 и 3
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Wicket door — Wicket Wick et, n. [OE. wiket, OF. wiket, guichet, F. quichet; probably of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. v?k a small creek, inlet, bay, vik a corner.] [1913 Webster] 1. A small gate or door, especially one forming part of, or placed near, a larger… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wicket door — noun small gate or door (especially one that is part of a larger door) • Syn: ↑wicket, ↑wicket gate • Hypernyms: ↑gate * * * noun or wicket gate : wicket … Useful english dictionary
Wicket — Wick et, n. [OE. wiket, OF. wiket, guichet, F. quichet; probably of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. v?k a small creek, inlet, bay, vik a corner.] [1913 Webster] 1. A small gate or door, especially one forming part of, or placed near, a larger door or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Wicket gate — Wicket Wick et, n. [OE. wiket, OF. wiket, guichet, F. quichet; probably of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. v?k a small creek, inlet, bay, vik a corner.] [1913 Webster] 1. A small gate or door, especially one forming part of, or placed near, a larger… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Wicket keeper — Wicket Wick et, n. [OE. wiket, OF. wiket, guichet, F. quichet; probably of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. v?k a small creek, inlet, bay, vik a corner.] [1913 Webster] 1. A small gate or door, especially one forming part of, or placed near, a larger… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wicket gate — noun small gate or door (especially one that is part of a larger door) • Syn: ↑wicket, ↑wicket door • Hypernyms: ↑gate * * * noun see wicket door * * * wicket door or wicket gate … Useful english dictionary
wicket — n. 1 Cricket a a set of three stumps with the bails in position defended by a batsman. b the ground between two wickets. c the state of this (a slow wicket). d an instance of a batsman being got out (bowler has taken four wickets). e a pair of… … Useful english dictionary
Door — For other uses, see Door (disambiguation). A door is a movable structure used to open and close off an entrance, typically consisting of a panel that swings on hinges or that slides or rotates inside of a space. When open, they admit ventilation… … Wikipedia
wicket — ► NOUN 1) Cricket each of the sets of three stumps with two bails across the top at either end of the pitch, defended by a batsman. 2) a small door or gate, especially one beside or in a larger one. ● at the wicket Cf. ↑at the wicket ● a sticky… … English terms dictionary
wicket — early 13c., small door or gate, from Anglo Fr. wiket, from O.N.Fr. wiket (Fr. guichet) wicket, wicket gate, probably from P.Gmc. *wik (Cf. O.N. vik nook ) related to O.E. wican to give way, yield (see WEAK (Cf. weak)). The notion is of something… … Etymology dictionary
door — M.E. merger of O.E. dor (neut.; pl. doru) large door, gate, and O.E. duru (fem., pl. dura) door, gate, wicket, both from P.Gmc. *dur (Cf. O.S. duru, O.N. dyrr, Dan. dèr, O.Fris. dure, O.H.G. turi, Ger. Tür), from PIE … Etymology dictionary