
1. [ʹwıs(ə)lstɒp] n амер.
1) небольшой населённый пункт
2) полустанок

whistle-stop campaign - разъездная агитационная кампания кандидата на выборах

2. [ʹwıs(ə)lstɒp] v амер.
совершать предвыборные турне; выступать с речами в небольших городах

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "whistle-stop" в других словарях:

  • whistle-stop — ☆ whistle stop [hwis′əl stäp΄, wis′əl stäp΄ ] n. 1. a small town, orig. one at which a train stopped only upon signal 2. a brief stop in a small town as part of a tour, esp. in a political campaign; orig., such a stop in which the candidate spoke …   English World dictionary

  • whistle-stop — whistle .stop adj AmE whistle stop tour/trip a trip during which someone, especially a politician, visits many different places in a short period of time ▪ a whistle stop tour of Texas …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • whistle-stop — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ very fast and with only brief pauses …   English terms dictionary

  • whistle stop — noun a small railway station between the principal stations or a station where the train stops only on a signal • Syn: ↑flag stop, ↑way station • Hypernyms: ↑railway station, ↑railroad station, ↑railroad terminal, ↑train station, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • whistle-stop — I. ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun 1. a. : a small station at which trains stop only on signal : flag stop b. : a small community : tank town posters that brought in the yokels from fifty miles around every whistle stop we played Bennett Cerf …   Useful english dictionary

  • whistle-stop — /hwis euhl stop , wis /, v., whistle stopped, whistle stopping, adj. v.i. 1. to campaign for political office by traveling around the country, originally by train, stopping at small communities to address voters. 2. to take a trip consisting of… …   Universalium

  • Whistle Stop — Infobox Film | name =Whistle Stop caption =DVD cover director = Léonide Moguy producer = Seymour Nebenzal writer = Maritta M. Wolff (novel) Philip Yordan starring =George Raft Ava Gardner cinematography = Russell Metty music = Dimitri Tiomkin… …   Wikipedia

  • whistle-stop — 1. noun A small train station. 2. adjective Extremely brief and hurried. Weve only got 30 minutes at the stadium, so Ill give you a whistle stop tour. See Also: whistle stop cafe, whistle stop train tour …   Wiktionary

  • whistle-stop — ADJ: ADJ n If someone, especially a politician, goes on a whistle stop tour, they visit a lot of different places in a short time. Bertie Ahern will host a working dinner for Tony Blair tonight as he jets into Dublin on a whistle stop tour of EU… …   English dictionary

  • whistle-stop — {n.} A small town where the trains only stop on a special signal. * /President Truman made excellent use of the whistle stop during his 1948 campaign for the presidency./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • whistle-stop — {n.} A small town where the trains only stop on a special signal. * /President Truman made excellent use of the whistle stop during his 1948 campaign for the presidency./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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