- well-reputed
- [͵welrıʹpju:tıd] a
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Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
well-reputed — adj. * * * … Universalium
well-reputed — adj … Useful english dictionary
reputed — adjective /ɹɪˈpju.tɪd/ a) Pertaining to a reputation accorded to another. 1904 The other young ladies of Sulaco stood in awe of her character and accomplishments. She was reputed to be terribly learned and serious. Joseph Conrad, Nostramo [ … Wiktionary
well-thought-of — Synonyms and related words: accepted, acclaimed, admired, admitted, adored, advocated, applauded, appreciated, approved, backed, creditable, cried up, esteemed, estimable, favored, favorite, held in esteem, held in respect, highly considered,… … Moby Thesaurus
reputed — Synonyms and related words: alleged, assumed, believed, conjectural, considered, creditable, deemed, estimable, held, hypothetical, judged, presumed, purported, putative, regarded, reputable, rumored, said, supposed, suppositional, supposititious … Moby Thesaurus
Drake Well — Drake Oil Well U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. National Historic Landmark … Wikipedia
Mary's Well — in Nazareth. Mary’s Well (Arabic: عين العذراء, Ain il adra, or The spring of the Virgin Mary ) is reputed to be located at the site where the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and announced that she would bear the Son of God an event known as the… … Wikipedia
St. Blaise's Well — St Blaise s Well is a holy well located in the Bishop s garden in Bromley in the London borough of the same name (formerly in Kent). Its chalybeate water is reputed to have healing properties.It was much frequented, not only on account of the… … Wikipedia
truth lies at the bottom of a well — Cf. Gr. ἐτεῇ δὲ οὐδὲν ἴδμεν, ἐν βυθῷ γὰρ ἡ ἀλήθεια, we know nothing certainly, for truth lies in the deep (attributed to Democritus); LACTANTIUS Institutiones Divinae III. xxviii. in puteo..veritatem iacere demersam, truth lies sunk in a well.… … Proverbs new dictionary
holy well — noun : a well or spring venerated often from pagan times for reputed healing properties … Useful english dictionary
Dhudhi — The Dhudi are a tribe of Panhwar, Panwar, Parmar Rajput origin, found in the Punjab province of Pakistan. According to the 1931 census of India they had a population of 5,800. According to the puranas and Royal Genealogical tree they are one of… … Wikipedia