- warm-blooded
- [͵wɔ:mʹblʌdıd] a
1. зоол. теплокровный2. с горячей кровью (о человеке); пылкий, горячий, страстный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
warm-blooded — warm blood|ed [ ,wɔrm blʌdəd ] adjective warm blooded animals have a body that stays warm in both hot and cold environments. A cold blooded animal has a body temperature that changes when their environment changes. => HOT BLOODED … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
warm-blooded — adj animals that are warm blooded have a body temperature that remains fairly high whether the temperature around them is hot or cold ≠ ↑cold blooded … Dictionary of contemporary English
warm-blooded — warm blooded; warm blooded·ness; … English syllables
Warm-blooded — Warm blood ed, a. (Physiol.) Having warm blood; applied especially to those animals, as birds and mammals, which have warm blood, or, more properly, the power of maintaining a nearly uniform temperature whatever the temperature of the surrounding … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
warm-blooded — warm′ blood′ed or warm′blood′ed adj. 1) zool. of or designating animals, as mammals and birds, having a body temperature that is relatively constant and independent of the environment 2) ardent; impetuous: warm blooded valor[/ex] • Etymology:… … From formal English to slang
warm-blooded — warm bloodedness, n. /wawrm blud id/, adj. 1. Also, endothermic. designating or pertaining to animals, as mammals and birds, whose blood ranges in temperatures from about 98° to 112°F (37° to 44°C) and remains relatively constant, irrespective of … Universalium
warm-blooded — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of animals, chiefly mammals and birds) maintaining a constant body temperature by their metabolism. 2) ardent; passionate … English terms dictionary
Warm-blooded — In biology, a warm blooded animal species is one whose members maintain thermal homeostasis; that is, they keep their body temperature at a roughly constant level, regardless of the ambient temperature. This involves the ability to cool down or… … Wikipedia
warm-blooded — UK [ˌwɔː(r)m ˈblʌdɪd] / US [ˌwɔrm ˈblʌdəd] adjective biology warm blooded animals have a body that stays warm in both hot and cold environments. A cold blooded animal has a body temperature that changes when their environment changes. • See: hot… … English dictionary
warm-blooded — adjective animals that are warm blooded have a body temperature that remains fairly high whether the temperature around them is hot or cold compare coldblooded … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
warm-blooded — /ˈwɔm blʌdəd / (say wawm bluduhd) adjective 1. → endothermic. 2. ardent, impetuous, or passionate: young and warm blooded valour. 3. (of a horse) having the temperament of a warm blood …