butter pat

butter pat
1) порция масла
2) блюдечко для порции масла

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "butter pat" в других словарях:

  • butter pat — noun : a piece of butter formed into a ball or other ornamental shape for table use or an individual square cut from a quarter pound stick of commercial butter * * * butter pat noun 1. A pat of butter 2. Each of a pair of wooden bats for working… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pat — Pat, n. 1. A light, quik blow or stroke with the fingers or hand; a tap. [1913 Webster] 2. A small mass, as of butter, shaped by pats. [1913 Webster] It looked like a tessellated work of pats of butter. Dickens. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pat — pat1 [pat] adj. [prob. < PAT2] 1. apt; timely; opportune 2. exactly suitable 3. so glibly plausible as to seem contrived 4. designating a poker hand to which no cards are drawn because of the unlikelihood of improving it adv. in a pat …   English World dictionary

  • butter — n. 1) to churn; cream; make butter 2) to spread butter (on bread) 3) apple (AE); cocoa; peanut; prune; salted; sweet; whipped butter 4) fresh; rancid butter 5) a pat; stick of butter 6) in butter (to fry in butter) * * * [ bʌtə] cocoa cream make… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • pat —    an individual serving of butter. In the U.S. food industry, restaurant servings of butter were traditionally packaged at 48 pats per pound, making each pat 1/3 ounce (about 9.45 grams). Less generous portions such as 60, 64, or 72 pats per… …   Dictionary of units of measurement

  • pat — pat1 [pæt] v past tense and past participle patted present participle patting [T] 1.) to lightly touch someone or something several times with your hand flat, especially to give comfort →↑stroke ▪ He patted the dog affectionately. 2.) pat… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • pat — 1 verb patted, patting (T) 1 to repeatedly touch someone or something lightly with your hand flat, especially to give comfort: He patted the dog affectionately as he spoke. 2 pat sb/yourself on the back to praise someone or yourself for doing… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • pat — I. /pæt / (say pat) verb (patted, patting) –verb (t) 1. to strike lightly with something flat, as an implement, the palm of the hand, or the foot. 2. to stroke gently with the palm or fingers as an expression of affection, approbation, etc. 3. to …  

  • Butter knife — In common usage, a butter knife may refer to any table knife designed with a dull edge and rounded point; formal flatware patterns make a distinction between such a place knife (or table knife) and a butter knife. In this usage, a butter knife… …   Wikipedia

  • butter — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ fresh ▪ creamy ▪ rancid ▪ melted ▪ Brush the pastry with a little melted butter …   Collocations dictionary

  • pat — pat1 /pat/, v., patted, patting, n. v.t. 1. to strike lightly or gently with something flat, as with a paddle or the palm of the hand, usually in order to flatten, smooth, or shape: to pat dough into flat pastry forms. 2. to stroke or tap gently… …   Universalium

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