
[vıʹvıp(ə)rəs] a биол.

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "viviparous" в других словарях:

  • Viviparous — Vi*vip a*rous, a. [L. viviparus; vivus alive + parere to bear, bring forth. Cf. {Viper}.] (Biol.) Producing young in a living state, as most mammals, or as those plants the offspring of which are produced alive, either by bulbs instead of seeds,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • viviparous — (adj.) 1640s, from L.L. viviparus bringing forth alive, from L. vivus alive, living + parere bring forth, bear (see PARE (Cf. pare)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • viviparous — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of an animal) bringing forth live young which have developed inside th body of the parent. Compare with OVIPAROUS(Cf. ↑oviparous). 2) (of a plant) reproducing from buds which form plantlets while still attached to the parent plant …   English terms dictionary

  • viviparous — [vī vip′ər əs] adj. [L viviparus < vivus, alive (see BIO ) + parere, to produce (see PAROUS)] 1. a) bearing or bringing forth living young, as most mammals and some other animals do b) designating or of this type of reproduction: see OVIPAROUS …   English World dictionary

  • viviparous — adjective Etymology: Latin viviparus, from vivus alive + parus parous Date: 1646 1. producing living young instead of eggs from within the body in the manner of nearly all mammals, many reptiles, and a few fishes 2. germinating while still… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • viviparous — Giving birth to living offspring that develop within the mother s body. Most mammals and some other animals are viviparous …   Fisheries — dictionary

  • Viviparous lizard — Viviparous lizard, common lizard Male viviparous lizard Conservation status …   Wikipedia

  • Viviparous fish — Viviparous Vi*vip a*rous, a. [L. viviparus; vivus alive + parere to bear, bring forth. Cf. {Viper}.] (Biol.) Producing young in a living state, as most mammals, or as those plants the offspring of which are produced alive, either by bulbs instead …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Viviparous shell — Viviparous Vi*vip a*rous, a. [L. viviparus; vivus alive + parere to bear, bring forth. Cf. {Viper}.] (Biol.) Producing young in a living state, as most mammals, or as those plants the offspring of which are produced alive, either by bulbs instead …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Viviparous eelpout — Taxobox name = Viviparous eelpout status = secure image width = 220px regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Perciformes familia = Zoarcidae genus = Zoarces species = Z. viviparus binomial = Zoarces viviparus binomial …   Wikipedia

  • viviparous fish — Embiotocoid Em bi*ot o*coid, a. [NL. Embiotoca, the name of one genus + oid.] (Zo[ o]l.) Belonging to, or resembling, the {Embiotocid[ae]}. n. One of a family of fishes ({Embiotocid[ae]}) abundant on the coast of California, remarkable for being… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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