- butt in
- [ʹbʌtʹın] phr v сл.
бесцеремонно вмешиваться, встревать (в разговор, в чужие дела и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Butt — may refer to:* Ass * Buttocks * Anus * Butt, a Kashmiri tribe in Pakistan and India. * Butt (unit), a unit of wine. * Butt (archery), a target for practicing archery. * Butt (sailing), a joint between planks of wood on a ship. * Butt joint, a… … Wikipedia
Butt — Butt, But But, n. [F. but butt, aim (cf. butte knoll), or bout, OF. bot, end, extremity, fr. boter, buter, to push, butt, strike, F. bouter; of German origin; cf. OHG. b[=o]zan, akin to E. beat. See {Beat}, v. t.] 1. A limit; a bound; a goal; the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Butt — steht für: die Arten der zwei Plattfischfamilien Butte und Steinbutte die Flunder aus der Plattfischfamilie der Schollen SRB Butt, ein Seenotrettungsboot der Deutschen Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbrüchiger Butt (Schiff), ein Landungsboot der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
butt — butt; butt·er rigged; butt·gen·bach·ite; butt·ing; butt·in·sky; gar·butt; scut·tle·butt; tar·butt·ite; … English syllables
Butt — Butt, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Butted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Butting}.] [OE. butten, OF. boter to push, F. bouter. See {Butt} an end, and cf. {Boutade}.] 1. To join at the butt, end, or outward extremity; to terminate; to be bounded; to abut. [Written… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Butt — is a name which since the 17th Century had been very popular in Devonshire and Cornwall and has been spelled variously as Butts, Butson and Butting, the latter two meaning son of But . It is a topographical name, derived from the Middle English… … Surnames reference
butt — [n1] end, shaft base, bottom, edge, extremity, fag end, foot, fundament, haft, handle, hilt, shank, stock, stub, stump, tail, tip; concept 827 butt / buttocks [n2] animate rear end back end, backside, behind, bottom, bum*, derrière, fanny*,… … New thesaurus
Butt — Bụtt 〈m. 1〉 ein Schollenfisch [→ butt; nach der ungegliederten, massigen Gestalt benannt] * * * Bụtt, der; [e]s, e [aus dem Niederd., zu: butt = stumpf, plump]: ↑ Scholle (4). * * * Butt, Plural Butte, Kurzbezeichnung für verschiedene Arten… … Universal-Lexikon
butt — Ⅰ. butt [1] ► VERB 1) hit with the head or horns. 2) (butt in) interrupt or intrude on a conversation or activity. 3) (butt out) N. Amer. informal stop interfering. ► NOUN ▪ a rough … English terms dictionary
Butt — Butt, n. [F. botte, boute, LL. butta. Cf. {Bottle} a hollow vessel.] A large cask or vessel for wine or beer. It contains two hogsheads. [1913 Webster] Note: A wine butt contains 126 wine gallons (= 105 imperial gallons, nearly); a beer butt 108… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
butt — bụtt 〈Adj.; nddt.〉 1. stumpf 2. kurz u. dick 3. unansehnlich klein 4. 〈fig.〉 stumpfsinnig, dumm [wohl zu ahd. bozzan „schlagen“; → Amboss] * * * Bụtt, der; [e]s, e [aus dem Niederd., zu: butt = stumpf, plump]: ↑ Scholle (4). * * * Butt … Universal-Lexikon