- vice-principal
- [͵vaısʹprınsıp(ə)l] n
1) проректор (университета)2) заместитель директора (школы)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Vice-principal — In larger school systems, a principal is often assisted by someone known as a vice principal (Republic of Ireland: deputy principal) or assistant principal. Unlike the principal, the vice principal does not have quite the decision making… … Wikipedia
vice-principal — vice princˈipal noun Assistant principal • • • Main Entry: ↑vice … Useful english dictionary
vice-principal — One entrusted with the conduct of an employer s business, especially in the direction or superintendence of other employees. 35 Am J1st M & S § 129. Among those employees who have been held to be vice principals are those charged with the duty of … Ballentine's law dictionary
vice-principal — See principal … Black's law dictionary
vice-principal — second in charge after the headmaster of an educational institution … English contemporary dictionary
Principal (school) — Principal or Head of School is the title of the chief administrator of an elementary school, middle school, or high school in some English speaking countries, including the United States and Australia. Public schools in the United States… … Wikipedia
principal — principal, ale 1. (prin si pal, pa l ) adj. 1° Qui est le plus considérable, en parlant de personnes. Les principaux magistrats. • Quand on bâtit une maison, quoique les maçons, les charpentiers, les plombiers, les menuisiers travaillent bien … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
principal — adj Chief; leading; most important or considerable; primary; original. Highest in rank, authority, character, importance, or degree. As to principal challenge principal contract principal obligation principal office principal vein, see those… … Black's law dictionary
Vice-royaute du Perou — Vice royauté du Pérou Vice royauté du Pérou Virreinato del Perú es 1542 1821 … Wikipédia en Français
Vice-royauté du Pérou — Virreinato del Perú es 1542 – 1821 Croix de Bourgogne qui fut utilisée par plusieurs armées de l Empire Espagnol … Wikipédia en Français
Vice-royauté du pérou — Virreinato del Perú es 1542 1821 … Wikipédia en Français