- Tyumen
- [ʹtju:men] n геогр.
г. Тюмень
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Tyumen — (audio ru|Тюмень|Ru Tyumen.ogg) is a city in Russia, located on the Tura River km to mi|2144 east of Moscow. It is the administrative center of Tyumen Oblast in the Urals Federal District.Population: ru census2002|510719|; su… … Wikipedia
Tyumen — [tyo͞o men′] city in W Asian Russia, near the Urals: pop. 491,000 … English World dictionary
Tyumen-2 — p1 Tyumen 2 p1 Schiffsdaten Flagge Russland … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tyumen — Stadt Tjumen Тюмень Flagge Wappen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tyumen — Original name in latin Tyumen Name in other language TJM, Tjumen, Tjumen , Tyumen, Tyumen , Tyumen’, Тюмень State code RU Continent/City Asia/Yekaterinburg longitude 57.15222 latitude 65.52722 altitude 81 Population 519119 Date 2013 04 27 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Tyumen — /tyooh men /; Russ. /tyooh myen /, n. a city in the SW Russian Federation in Asia. 456,000. * * * ▪ Russia also spelled Tiumen, or T umen , city and administrative centre of Tyumen oblast (province), central Russia. The city lies in the… … Universalium
Tyumen — noun A city in Russia, administrative centre of Tyumen oblast … Wiktionary
Tyumen State Oil and Gas University — is the largest university in the Tyumen region of Russia. It has 7 schools, including construction, social sciences, engineering, and the Institute of Management and Business. There are 4 petroleum universities in Russia. Tyumen State Oil and Gas … Wikipedia
Tyumen (Russia) — Hotels: Quality Hotel Tyumen (City) … International hotels
Tyumen Oblast — An administrative region of the Russian Federation. Tyumen stretches nearly 2,000 kilometers, from the Kara Sea in the north to the Kazakh steppe in the south. Existing as autonomous okrugs (AOks) within Tyumen, the federal subjects of… … Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation
Tyumen Oblast — Infobox Russian federal subject EnglishName=Tyumen Oblast RussianName=Тюменская область Locator LocatorMap CoatOfArmsLink=Coat of arms of Tyumen Oblast FlagLink=Flag of Tyumen Oblast Anth … Wikipedia