two-suiter — [to͞o′so͞ot′ər] n. a man s suitcase designed to hold two suits as well as other clothing, etc … English World dictionary
Two suiter — In contract bridge, a two suiter is a hand containing cards mostly from two of the four suits. Traditionally a hand is considered a two suiter if it contains at least ten cards in two suits, with the two suits not differing in length by more than … Wikipedia
two-suiter — two suit·er … English syllables
two-suiter — ˈ ̷ ̷ˈsüd.ə(r) noun ( s) 1. or two suit hand ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ : a bridge hand containing two suits each of five or more cards 2. : a man s wardrobe case designed to hold two suits and accessories * * * /tooh sooh teuhr/ … Useful english dictionary
two-suiter — /tooh sooh teuhr/, n. 1. a suitcase designed to hold two suits and additional smaller items. 2. Bridge. a hand having at least five cards in each of two suits. [1920 25 for def. 2; 1955 60, Amer. for def. 1; two suit(s) + ER1] * * * … Universalium
two-suiter — noun Date: 1945 a man s suitcase designed to hold two suits and accessories … New Collegiate Dictionary
Two-suiter — Bridge A hand containing five or more cards in each of two suits … The official rules of card games glossary
two-suit|er — «TOO SOO tuhr», noun. 1. a man s suitcase that holds two suits and accessories: »His two suiter…was adorned with the baggage tags of many airlines (New Yorker). 2. a hand in bridge containing two suits with at least five cards in each … Useful english dictionary
suiter — noun Date: 1952 a suitcase for holding a specified number of suits usually used in combination < a two suiter > … New Collegiate Dictionary
two-suit hand — noun see two suiter 1 … Useful english dictionary
Three suiter — In the game of bridge a three suiter (or three suited hand) denotes a hand containing at least four cards in three out of the four suits. As a bridge hand contains thirteen cards, only two hand patterns can be classified as three suiters: 4 4 4 1 … Wikipedia