two-edged — adj 1.) having two effects or meanings, one good and one bad ▪ a two edged comment a two edged sword (=something that has as many bad results as good ones) ▪ Strong leadership is a two edged sword. 2.) having two edges that can cut ▪ a two edged… … Dictionary of contemporary English
two-edged — [ ,tu edʒd ] adjective 1. ) a two edged weapon has a blade with two sharp edges 2. ) capable of being understood in two different ways, or of having both good and bad effects: DOUBLE EDGED: a two edged compliment a two edged sword something with… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Two-edged — a. Having two edges, or edges on both sides; as, a two edged sword. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
two-edged — [to͞o′ejd′] adj. 1. that has two cutting edges 2. that can be used or taken two ways [a two edged remark] … English World dictionary
two-edged — two′ edged′ adj. 1) having two edges, as a sword 2) cutting or effective both ways: a two edged remark[/ex] • Etymology: 1520–30 … From formal English to slang
two-edged — adjective 1 having disadvantages or bad effects that are less easy to see than the good effects: the two edged triumphs of technology | a two edged sword (=with as many bad results as good ones): Strong leadership is a two edged sword. 2 having… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
two-edged — UK [ˌtuː ˈedʒd] / US [ˌtu ˈedʒd] adjective 1) a two edged weapon has a blade with two sharp edges 2) capable of being understood in two different ways or of having both good and bad effects a two edged compliment • See: sword … English dictionary
two-edged — /ˈtu ɛdʒd/ (say tooh ejd) adjective 1. having two edges, as a sword. 2. cutting or effective both ways. 3. having two possible meanings, results, etc., one favourable and one unfavourable: *they realised that independence is a two edged word… …
two-edged — adj. Two edged is used with these nouns: ↑sword … Collocations dictionary
two-edged sword — If someone uses an argument that could both help them and harm them, then they are using a two edged sword; it cuts both ways … The small dictionary of idiomes
two-edged sword — ˈ ̷ ̷ ¦ejd , ¦ejə̇d noun : something that can produce positive or negative results public relations appears as a two edged sword able to enhance or hurt an institution L.B.Mayhew * * * a double edged/two edged/sword phrase a situation with as… … Useful english dictionary