- turnip-tops
- [ʹtɜ:nıptɒps] n pl
ботва молодой репы (употребляемая в пищу)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
turnip tops — noun plural or turnip greens : the fresh young leaves of the turnip used as a green vegetable … Useful english dictionary
turnip greens — noun tender leaves of young white turnips • Hypernyms: ↑greens, ↑green, ↑leafy vegetable • Part Holonyms: ↑turnip, ↑white turnip, ↑Brassica rapa * * * noun plural see … Useful english dictionary
Turnip — taxobox name = Turnip image caption = Small turnip root regnum = Plantae unranked divisio = Angiosperms unranked classis = Eudicots unranked ordo = Rosids ordo = Brassicales familia = Brassicaceae genus = Brassica species = B. rapa subspecies = B … Wikipedia
turnip — turniplike, adj. /terr nip/, n. 1. the thick, fleshy, edible root of either of two plants of the mustard family, the white fleshed Brassica rapa rapifera or the yellow fleshed rutabaga. 2. the plant itself. 3. the root of this plant used as a… … Universalium
italian turnip — noun or italian turnip broccoli Usage: usually capitalized I : an annual or biennial (Brassica ruvo) prob. of European origin but grown elsewhere for its tops and tender flower shoots which are used as greens called also broccoli rab … Useful english dictionary
Steckrübe — (Brassica napus subsp. rapifera) Systematik Eurosiden II Ordnung: Kreuzblütlerartige (Brassicales) … Deutsch Wikipedia
top — 1. n., adj., & v. n. 1 the highest point or part (the top of the house). 2 a the highest rank or place (at the top of the school). b a person occupying this (was top in maths). c the upper end or head (the top of the table). 3 the upper surface… … Useful english dictionary
Bari — Infobox Settlement official name = Comune di Bari established title = Founded established date = 1600 BC [cite news|url=http://www.manosmed2007.com/general information.php|publisher=Manosmed2007.com|title=History of Bari|date=8 January 2008]… … Wikipedia
Raining animals — Rain of fish in Singapore, as described by local inhabitants Raining animals is a rare meteorological phenomenon in which flightless animals rain from the sky. Such occurrences have been reported from many countries throughout history. One… … Wikipedia
Parador de Vilalba Lugo Province (Lugo & Province) — Parador de Vilalba Lugo Province country: Spain, city: Lugo & Province (Province: Vilalba) Parador de Vilalba Lugo Province Location The hotel stands in the centre of the village, overlooking countryside that is rich and unspoilt. The Parador… … International hotels
Tierregen — Fischregen in Singapur in der Beschreibung von Einheimischen Der Begriff Tierregen bezeichnet ein seltenes meteorologisches Phänomen, bei dem (oft flugunfähige) Tiere vom Himmel „regnen“. Hierüber liegen historische Berichte und moderne Belege… … Deutsch Wikipedia