- tuberculin(e)
- [tju:ʹbɜ:kjʋlın] n фарм.
tuberculin(e) test - туберкулиновый тест
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
tuberculin(e) test - туберкулиновый тест
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Tuberculin — is the name given to extracts of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M. Bovis, or M. avium , used in skin testing in animals and humans to identify a tuberculosis infection [Tizard, I. R. (2004). Veterinary immunology: an introduction, seventh edition.… … Wikipedia
Tuberculin — Tu*ber cu*lin, n. [See {Tubercle}.] A fluid containing the products formed by the growth of the tubercle bacillus in a suitable culture medium. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tuberculin — [too bʉr′kyə lin, təbʉr′kyə lin] n. [< L tuberculum (see TUBERCLE) + IN1] a sterile liquid preparation made from the growth products or extracts of a tubercle bacillus culture and injected into the skin as a test for tuberculosis … English World dictionary
tuberculin — 1. A glycerin broth culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis evaporated to 110 volume at 100°C and filtered; introduced by Robert Koch for the treatment of tuberculosis but now used chiefly for diagnostic tests; originally known as Koch old t. (OT)… … Medical dictionary
tuberculin — n. a sterile liquid from cultures of tubercle bacillus, used in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. Phrases and idioms: tuberculin test a hypodermic injection of tuberculin to detect a tubercular infection. tuberculin tested (of milk)… … Useful english dictionary
tuberculin — n. a protein extract from cultures of tubercle bacilli, used to test whether a person has suffered from or been in contact with tuberculosis. In the Mantoux test a quantity of tuberculin is injected beneath the skin and a patch of inflammation… … The new mediacal dictionary
tuberculin test — n a test (as the Mantoux test or tine test) for hypersensitivity to tuberculin in which tuberculin is introduced (as by injection or puncture) usu. into the skin of the individual tested and the appearance of inflammation or induration at the… … Medical dictionary
Tuberculin test — Tu*ber cu*lin test The hypodermic injection of tuberculin, used as a test for past or present infection with tuberculosis. It is used both for humans and cattle. Note: In humans, a previous or acive infection with tuberculosis will cause a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tuberculin reaction — n a skin reaction that occurs at the site of a tuberculin test <an induration measuring 10 mm or more is considered a positive tuberculin reaction for all individuals> * * * induration or vesiculation as a delayed reaction at the site of a… … Medical dictionary
tuberculin test — noun a skin test to determine past or present infection with the tuberculosis bacterium; based on hypersensitivity of the skin to tuberculin • Syn: ↑tuberculin skin test • Hypernyms: ↑skin test • Hyponyms: ↑Mantoux test, ↑tine test * * * … Useful english dictionary
tuberculin test — a test for tuberculosis in which a hypersensitive reaction to a given quantity of tuberculin indicates a past or present infection. [1900 05] * * * ▪ medicine procedure for the diagnosis of tuberculosis infection by the introduction into… … Universalium