- tub-preacher
- [ʹtʌb͵pri:tʃə] n разг. презр.
уличный проповедник (о священнике-диссиденте)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
tub preacher — noun Etymology: tub (I) (sense 3c) : a ranting dissenting preacher … Useful english dictionary
tub-preacher — … Useful english dictionary
tub — open wooden vessel, late 14c., from M.L.G., M.Du., or M.Flem. tubbe, of uncertain origin. Related to O.H.G. zubar vessel with two handles, wine vessel, Ger. Zuber. Considered to be unrelated to L. tubus (see TUBE (Cf. tube)); one theory connects… … Etymology dictionary
tub thumper — tub thumper, Informal. 1. a speaker or preacher who for emphasis thumps the desk or pulpit; a violent or declamatory speaker or orator. 2. U.S. a spokesman or press agent … Useful english dictionary
tub — n. & v. n. 1 an open flat bottomed usu. round container for various purposes. 2 a tub shaped (usu. plastic) carton. 3 the amount a tub will hold. 4 colloq. a bath. 5 a colloq. a clumsy slow boat. b a stout roomy boat for rowing practice. 6 (in… … Useful english dictionary
preacher — Synonyms and related words: Boanerges, chalk talker, churchman, circuit rider, clergyman, clergywoman, cleric, clerical, clerk, discourser, divine, ecclesiastic, evangelist, expositor, expounder, homilist, lector, lecturer, minister, parson,… … Moby Thesaurus
tub-thumper — Ranting orator or preacher … A concise dictionary of English slang
Andrea Yates — Infobox Person name = Andrea Yates caption = birth name = Andrea Pia Kennedy birth date = birth date and age|1964|7|2| spouse = Russell Yates (divorced, 2004) children = Noah, b. February 26, 1994 John, b. December 15, 1995 Paul, b. September 13 … Wikipedia
ИОАНН ЗЛАТОУСТ. Часть II — Учение Считая правильную веру необходимым условием спасения, И. З. в то же время призывал веровать в простоте сердца, не обнаруживая излишнего любопытства и помня, что «природа рассудочных доводов подобна некоему лабиринту и сетям, нигде не имеет … Православная энциклопедия
Sermons of Dean Swift — Jonathan Swift, as Dean of St. Patrick s Cathedral in Dublin, produced many sermons during his tenure from 1713 to 1745. [Mason] Although Swift is better known today for his works such as Gulliver s Travels , A Tale of a Tub , or the Drapier s… … Wikipedia
The Dunciad — Alexander Pope The Dunciad /ˈd … Wikipedia