- Transjordan
- [træns|ʹdʒɔ:d(ə)n,trænz{ʹdʒɔ:d(ə)n}-] n геогр. ист.
Трансиордания; см. Jordan
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
TRANSJORDAN — (Heb. עֵבֶרהַיַרְדֵּן). Geographically, Transjordan includes the area east of the Jordan River, extending from the sources of the Jordan near the hermon to the dead sea . However, the area north of the Yarmuk River (the Golan and Bashan) are… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Transjordan — [transjôr dā′nē ə, trans jôr dā′nyətrans jôrd′ n, tranzjôrd′ n] former name for JORDAN3 (the country): also Transjordania [transjôr dā′nē ə, trans jôr dā′nyə] … English World dictionary
Transjordan — Infobox Former Country native name = إمارة شرق الأردن ʾImārat Sharq al ʾUrdun conventional long name = Emirate of Transjordan common name = Transjordan| continent = moved from Category:Asia to the Middle East region = the Middle East country =… … Wikipedia
Transjordan Frontier Force — The Transjordan Frontier Force was formed, on 1 April 1926, as an Imperial Service regiment. Imperial service soldiers agreed to serve wherever required and not just within the borders of their own colony, protectorate or, in the case of the… … Wikipedia
Transjordan — geographical name see Jordan 3 • Transjordanian adjective or noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Transjordan — /trans jawr dn, tranz /, n. an area east of the Jordan River, in SW Asia: a British mandate (1921 23); an emirate (1923 49); now the major part of the kingdom of Jordan. Also, Trans Jordan. * * * former name of the present Kingdom of Jordan … Universalium
Transjordan — noun A former Ottoman territory incorporated into the in 1921 as an autonomous political division … Wiktionary
Transjordan — The part of Palestine to the east of the River Jordan; mountainous, with good annual rainfall. It comprises the OT areas of Gilead, Moab (east of the Dead Sea), and edom [[➝ Edomites]] … Dictionary of the Bible
Transjordan(ia) — Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan better known as Jordan … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
Transjordan(ia) — Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan better known as Jordan … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
Transjordan — Trans•jor•dan [[t]trænsˈdʒɔr dn, trænz [/t]] n. geg an area E of the Jordan River, in SW Asia: a British mandate (1921–23); an emirate (1923–49); now the major part of the kingdom of Jordan … From formal English to slang