- top-echelon
- [͵tɒpʹeʃəlɒn] a
высокопоставленный; принадлежащий к высшему эшелону власти
top-echelon administrators - чиновники из высшего эшелона власти
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
top-echelon administrators - чиновники из высшего эшелона власти
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
top echelon — wealthy people of a society, highest social class, aristocracy … English contemporary dictionary
echelon — ech‧e‧lon [ˈeʆəlɒn ǁ lɑːn] noun [countable] a rank or level of responsibility within an organization, group of businesses etc, or a person at that level: • those in the highest echelons of management • The banking system normally helps allocate… … Financial and business terms
top-ech|e|lon — «TOP EHSH uh lon», adjective. high anking; of a high level of command or authority: »top echelon administrators … Useful english dictionary
echelon — echelonment, n. /esh euh lon /, n. 1. a level of command, authority, or rank: the top echelon of city officials. 2. a formation of troops, ships, airplanes, etc., in which groups of soldiers or individual vehicles or craft are arranged in… … Universalium
ECHELON — is a name used in global media and in popular culture to describe a signals intelligence (SIGINT) collection and analysis network operated on behalf of the five signatory states to the UK USA Security Agreement (Australia, Canada, New Zealand,… … Wikipedia
echelon — n. 1) (mil.) the forward; rear echelon 2) the higher, top, upper echelons of society * * * [ eʃəlɒn] rear echelon top upper echelons of society (mil.) the forward the higher … Combinatory dictionary
top-level — I (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. leading, superior, supreme; see excellent , important 1 . II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) a. high echelon, top ranking, ranking, chief, leading. ANT.: low level, minor … English dictionary for students
top political echelon — highest level of politics … English contemporary dictionary
TEPCI — Top Echelon Potential Criminal Informant (Governmental » FBI Files) … Abbreviations dictionary
Timothy A. Connolly 3rd — Timmy Connolly (mobster)Refimprove|article|date=October 2008Timothy A. Connolly 3rd (born May 27, 1958), aka Timmy Connolly and TC is a former South Boston bar owner and mortgage broker, who wore a wire inside the infamous Winter Hill gang and… … Wikipedia
Louis Litif — Louis R. Litif (December 5th, 1934 May 11, 1982) a.k.a. Nicholas Noonan a.k.a. Louis Woodward was a member of the Winter Hill Gang and a successful bookmaker and an informant for the FBI for over fifteen years before his murder. Throughout his… … Wikipedia