- toad-in-the-hole
- [͵təʋdınðəʹhəʋl] n
1) бифштекс или кусок мяса, запечённый в тесте2) сосиска, запечённая в тесте
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Toad in the hole — is also the name of a pub game. See Entombed animal for the paranormal phenomenon. Toad in the hole is a traditional English dish comprising sausages in Yorkshire pudding batter, usually served with vegetables and gravy.The origin of the name… … Wikipedia
Toad in the hole — listo para servir. El toad in the hole (en inglés literalmente ‘sapo en el agujero’) es un plato tradicional británico[1] consistente en salchichas en rebozado de budín de Yorkshire … Wikipedia Español
Toad in the hole — (etwa „Kröte im Loch“) ist ein traditionelles Gericht der englischen Küche. Es besteht aus Bratwürsten, die in einem Eierteig, vergleichbar dem von Yorkshire Pudding, im Ofen gebacken werden. Zur Zubereitung werden zuerst die Würste in einer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
toad in the hole — Meat, esp sausages, baked in batter • • • Main Entry: ↑hole … Useful english dictionary
toad-in-the-hole — n [U] a British dish made of ↑sausages cooked in a mixture of eggs, milk, and flour … Dictionary of contemporary English
toad-in-the-hole — noun uncount a British meal made from SAUSAGES cooked in a mixture of eggs, flour, and milk … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
toad-in-the-hole — [tōd′in thə hōl΄] n. a British dish consisting of sausages baked in a batter like that used for Yorkshire pudding … English World dictionary
Toad in the hole — Prêt à servir ! Le Toad in the hole, littéralement « crapaud dans le trou », est un plat anglais traditionnel composé de saucisses cuites au four dans une pâte qui ressemble à celle du Yorkshire pudding ; il est habituellement … Wikipédia en Français
toad-in-the-hole — noun sausage baked in batter • Hypernyms: ↑pastry * * * | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ noun (plural toad in the hole) : meat (as sausage) cooked in batter usually by baking * * * /tohd in dheuh hohl /, n. Brit. Cookery. a dish consisting of beef or pork… … Useful english dictionary
Toad in the hole (game) — Toad in the hole is a pub game, involving throwing brass coins at a lead topped table with a hole in the middle. A variation of this game has been played in pubs in East Sussex, UK, the hole being in the centre of the lead which is on top of a… … Wikipedia
toad-in-the-hole — /tohd in dheuh hohl /, n. Brit. Cookery. a dish consisting of beef or pork sausages baked in a coating of batter. [1780 90] * * * … Universalium