
[ʹtaı͵ʃu:tıŋ] n спорт.
розыгрыш ничьей (в стрельбе)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tie-shooting" в других словарях:

  • Shooting at the 1988 Summer Paralympics — consisted of 22 events. Because of a three way tie for third place in the men s air rifle three positions 2 6 event, a total of 24 bronze medals were awarded. Medal summary Men s events References * cite web title = 1988 Seoul Shooting publisher …   Wikipedia

  • Shooting at the 2008 Summer Olympics - Men's double trap — Infobox Olympic event event = Men s double trap games = 2008 Summer venue = Beijing Shooting Range Clay Target Field date = August 12, 2008 competitors = 19 nations = 14 gold = Walton Eller goldNOC = USA silver = Francesco D Aniello silverNOC =… …   Wikipedia

  • Shooting at the 2008 Summer Olympics - Women's skeet — Infobox Olympic event event = Women s skeet games = 2008 Summer venue = Beijing Shooting Range Clay Target Field date = August 14, 2008 competitors = 19 nations = 19 gold = Chiara Cainero goldNOC = ITA silver = Kim Rhode silverNOC = USA bronze =… …   Wikipedia

  • Shooting at the 2008 Summer Olympics - Women's trap — Infobox Olympic event event = Women s trap games = 2008 Summer venue = Beijing Shooting Range Clay Target Field date = August 11, 2008 competitors = 20 nations = 20 gold = Satu Mäkelä Nummela goldNOC = FIN silver = Zuzana Štefečeková silverNOC =… …   Wikipedia

  • Shooting at the 1900 Summer Olympics - Men's 25 metre rapid fire pistol — The 25 metre rapid fire pistol was one of the competitions in the shooting at the 1900 Summer Olympics events in Paris. It was held from August 1 to August 4, 1900. 6 athletes from 2 nations competed. MedallistsResultsIt is not known how the five …   Wikipedia

  • Shooting at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Men's 25 metre rapid fire pistol — Infobox Olympic event event = Men s 25 metre rapid fire pistol games = 1988 Summer venue = date = September 23, 1988 competitors = 32 nations = 23 gold = Afanasijs Kuzmins goldNOC = URS silver = Ralf Schumann silverNOC = GDR bronze = Zoltán… …   Wikipedia

  • Shooting at the 1908 Summer Olympics - Men's disappearing target small-bore rifle — The men s disappearing target small bore rifle was one of 15 events on the Shooting at the 1908 Summer Olympics programme. Regulation of the equipment used in the event was done through allowing the use of .22 or .297/.230 caliber ammunition. The …   Wikipedia

  • Shooting at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Men's 50 metre rifle prone — Infobox Olympic event event = Men s 50 metre rifle prone games = 1992 Summer venue = Mollet del Vallès date = competitors = 52 nations = 34 gold = Lee Eun chul goldNOC = KOR silver = Harald Stenvaag silverNOC = NOR bronze = Stevan Pletikosić… …   Wikipedia

  • Shooting at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Men's 10 metre air pistol — Infobox Olympic event event = Men s 10 metre air pistol games = 1988 Summer venue = date = September 24, 1988 competitors = 44 nations = 29 gold = Tanyu Kiryakov goldNOC = BUL silver = Erich Buljung silverNOC = USA bronze = Xu Haifeng bronzeNOC …   Wikipedia

  • ISSF shooting events — Competition in 10 metre air rifle The International Shooting Sport Federation recognizes several shooting events, some of which have Olympic status. They are divided into four disciplines: rifle, pistol, shotgun and running target. The main… …   Wikipedia

  • Metallic silhouette shooting — Chicken, pig, turkey, and ram, scaled to appear as they would if placed at the correct distances from the shooter. Scale in minutes of arc, correct for NRA high power rifle using yards. Metallic silhouette shooting is a group of target shooting… …   Wikipedia

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