- three-speed
- [͵θri:ʹspi:d] a
1. с тремя скоростями
three-speed changer - автоматический переключатель скорости на трёхскоростном проигрывателе
2. авт. трёхступенчатый (о коробке передач)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
three-speed changer - автоматический переключатель скорости на трёхскоростном проигрывателе
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
three-speed — /three speed /, n. 1. a system of gears having three forward gear ratios, esp. on a bicycle. 2. a bicycle having such a system of gears. adj. 3. having three forward gear ratios. * * * … Universalium
three-speed — three′ speed n. 1) a system of gears having three forward gear ratios, esp. on a bicycle 2) a bicycle having such a system of gears 3) having three forward gear ratios … From formal English to slang
three-speed — /three speed /, n. 1. a system of gears having three forward gear ratios, esp. on a bicycle. 2. a bicycle having such a system of gears. adj. 3. having three forward gear ratios … Useful english dictionary
three-speed gear — noun A gear changing device with three gear positions • • • Main Entry: ↑three … Useful english dictionary
Three-speed bicycle — The three speed bicycle is a bicycle that uses internal hub gears at the rear wheel hub to provide three gear ratios. Typically, in low gear, the rear sprocket turns faster than the wheel; in middle gear, the rear sprocket turns at the same speed … Wikipedia
three speed — A transmission which has three forward gears … Dictionary of automotive terms
three-speed — A transmission which has three forward gears … Dictionary of automotive terms
three-speed transmission — A transmission which has three forward gears … Dictionary of automotive terms
Three on the tree — may refer to one of the following.* Three on the Tree, an American band * In an automobile, a shifting mechanism for a three speed manual transmission that is mounted on the steering column … Wikipedia
speed — [1] The average rate at which an object is travelling. Measured as a relationship of distance per time e.g., meters per second (m/s), kilometers per hour (kph or km/h), feet per second (ft/sec.), miles per hour (mph), or revolutions per minute… … Dictionary of automotive terms
three-on-the-tree — 1. adjective On an automobile, describing the gearshift lever of a steering column mounted three speed manual transmission. 2. noun On an automobile (especially those produced from 1939 through the mid 1970s), a three speed manual transmission… … Wiktionary