
[͵θri:ʹdekə] n
1. 1) трёхпалубное судно
2) трилогия; трёхтомный роман
2. разг. трёхслойный сандвич
3. 1) огромный человек
2) вещь больших размеров

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "three-decker" в других словарях:

  • three-decker — [thrē′dek′ər] n. 1. a) Historical a warship with three decks of cannon b) a ship with three decks 2. any structure with three levels 3. Informal a sandwich made with three slices of bread 4. Informal a novel published in three volumes; now, esp …   English World dictionary

  • Three-decker — Three deck er, n. (Naut.) A vessel of war carrying guns on three decks. [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Three-decker — A three decker is a sail warship which carried her guns on three fully armed decks. Usually additional guns were carried on the upper works (forecastle and quarterdeck) but this was not a continuous battery and so did not count. Three deckers… …   Wikipedia

  • three-decker — /three dek euhr/, n. 1. any ship having three decks, tiers, etc. 2. (formerly) one of a class of sailing warships that carried guns on three decks. 3. a sandwich made of three slices of bread interlaid with two layers of filling; club sandwich. 4 …   Universalium

  • three-decker — three′ deck′er n. 1) coo something having three layers, levels, decks, or tiers 2) triple decker • Etymology: 1785–95 …   From formal English to slang

  • three-decker — noun 1. made with three slices of usually toasted bread • Syn: ↑club sandwich, ↑triple decker • Hypernyms: ↑sandwich 2. any ship having three decks • Hypernyms: ↑ship 3. a warsh …   Useful english dictionary

  • three-decker — noun a) A sailing warship that had guns on each of three decks b) A sandwich made from three slices of bread; a triple decker …   Wiktionary

  • three-decker — noun Date: 1795 1. a wooden warship carrying guns on three decks 2. triple decker …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • three-decker — /θri ˈdɛkə/ (say three dekuh) noun 1. any vessel, etc., having three decks, tiers, etc. 2. one of a class of sailing warships which carried guns on three decks. 3. a novel published in three volumes (especially in the 19th century). 4. anything… …  

  • Daniel Hunt Three-Decker — Hunt, Daniel, Three Decker U.S. National Register of Historic Places …   Wikipedia

  • Charles A. Hall Three-Decker — Hall, Charles A., Three Decker U.S. National Register of Historic Places …   Wikipedia

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