- tennis-ball
- [ʹtenısbɔ:l] n
1) теннисный мяч2) игрушка в чьих-л. руках
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Tennis ball — A tennis ball is a ball designed for the sport of tennis, approximately 2.5 inches in diameter and is yellow or light green in color. History In the early days of tennis, balls were often made of leather stuffed with hair or wool. Early tennis… … Wikipedia
tennis ball — noun ball about the size of a fist used in playing tennis • Hypernyms: ↑ball * * * noun : a ball used in tennis that is made of rubber covered with felt and weighs about two ounces * * * a hollow ball used in tennis, made of rubber with a fuzzy… … Useful english dictionary
Tennis Ball Cricket — is a variant of cricket popular in the Indian subcontinent, and among South Asians living in the United States and Canada. In this game a harder version of tennis ball is used. The number of overs in the game varies from six to twenty five.… … Wikipedia
tennis ball cricket — noun a form of cricket popular in the Indian subcontinent, using a tennis ball instead of a cricket ball and being limited in the number of overs …
tennis ball — noun A bouncy ball designed for the sport of tennis. A rubber, hollow ball, pressurized and covered with felt. Most common color is Optic Yellow , but many colors exist today. See Also: ball, tennis, tennis racquet … Wiktionary
tennis ball — a hollow ball used in tennis, made of rubber with a fuzzy covering of woven Dacron, nylon, or wool. [1400 50; late ME] * * * … Universalium
tennis ball — rubbery ball that is used in the game of tennis … English contemporary dictionary
tennis ball — /ˈtɛnəs bɔl/ (say tenuhs bawl) noun a hollow rubber ball covered with felt, used in tennis …
tennis-ball — … Useful english dictionary
lawn tennis ball — teniso kamuoliukas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Guminis tuščiaviduris rutulys, apklijuotas specialia balta arba geltona medžiaga. Teniso kamuoliuko masė 56,7–58,5 g, skersmuo 6,35–6,67 cm. atitikmenys: angl. lawn tennis… … Sporto terminų žodynas
table tennis ball — stalo teniso kamuoliukas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Balto (oranžinio) celiulioido arba kitokio plastiko tamprus tuščiaviduris rutulys. Stalo teniso kamuoliuko masė 2,7 g, skersmuo 40 mm. atitikmenys: angl. table tennis… … Sporto terminų žodynas