Смотреть что такое "tee-hee" в других словарях:
tee-hee — [tē′hē′] interj., n. 〚ME: echoic〛 (used to suggest the sound of) a titter or snicker vi. tee heed, tee heeing to titter or snicker * * * tee hee also te·hee (tēʹhēʹ) n. 1. A sound made in imitation of a giggle or titter. 2. An instance of… … Universalium
tee-hee — [tē′hē′] interj., n. [ME: echoic] (used to suggest the sound of) a titter or snicker vi. tee heed, tee heeing to titter or snicker … English World dictionary
tee hee — [ ,ti hi ] interjection used for expressing the sound of a short laugh … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
tee-hee — imitative of derisive laughter at least since Chaucer (Cf. The Miller s Tale, c.1386) … Etymology dictionary
tee hee — UK [ˌtiː ˈhiː] US [ˌti ˈhi] interjection used for expressing the sound of a short laugh Thesaurus: written representations of soundshyponym laughter and the sound of laughtersynonym english alphabethyponym … Useful english dictionary
tee hee — interjection A typographical representation of tittering or laughter. Syn: ha ha, haw haw, he he, heh, Ho Ho Ho, tee hee hee … Wiktionary
tee-hee — n. & v. (also te hee) n. 1 a titter. 2 a restrained or contemptuous laugh. v.intr. (tee hees, tee heed) titter or laugh in this way. Etymology: imit … Useful english dictionary
tee hee — Synonyms and related words: Homeric laughter, be in stitches, belly laugh, boff, boffola, break up, burst into laughter, burst of laughter, burst out, burst out laughing, burst with laughter, bust a gut, cachinnate, cachinnation, cackle, chortle … Moby Thesaurus
tee-hee — noun a titter or giggle. verb (tee hees, tee heeing, tee heed) titter or giggle. Origin ME: imitative … English new terms dictionary
tee-hee — The sound of laughter … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
tee hee — UK [ˌtiː ˈhiː] / US [ˌtɪ ˈhɪ] interjection used for expressing the sound of a short laugh … English dictionary