Смотреть что такое "tea-set" в других словарях:
Tea set — Tea Tea (t[=e]), n. [Chin. tsh[=a], Prov. Chin. te: cf. F. th[ e].] 1. The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree ({Thea Chinensis} or {Camellia Chinensis}). The shrub is a native of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tea set — tea service UK / US or tea set UK / US noun [countable] Word forms tea service : singular tea service plural tea services Word forms tea set : singular tea set plural tea sets a set of matching cups, plates, saucers etc used for serving tea … English dictionary
tea set — or tea service n. a set, as of china or silver, for serving tea (and often coffee) including a teapot (and often a coffeepot), creamer, sugar bowl, and, usually, a tray: other pieces and a set of matching cups, saucers, and plates may be included … Universalium
tea set — or tea service n. a set, as of china or silver, for serving tea (and often coffee) including a teapot (and often a coffeepot), creamer, sugar bowl, and, usually, a tray: other pieces and a set of matching cups, saucers, and plates may be included … English World dictionary
tea set — tea sets N COUNT A tea set is a set of cups, saucers, and plates, with a milk jug, sugar bowl, and teapot … English dictionary
tea set — ► NOUN ▪ a set of crockery for serving tea … English terms dictionary
Tea set — A tea set, in the Western tradition, is a suite of dishes sold in a group for use at afternoon tea or a formal tea party.Tea sets vary greatly in quality and price, from inexpensive mass produced items to high end, limited edition items. The… … Wikipedia
tea set — noun a set of china or silverware for serving tea • Syn: ↑tea service • Hypernyms: ↑tableware • Member Meronyms: ↑cream pitcher, ↑creamer, ↑sugar bowl, ↑teapot, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
tea set — noun The set of dishes for making and serving tea. Syn: tea service … Wiktionary
tea set — /ˈti sɛt/ (say tee set) noun a number of cups, saucers, plates, etc., with a teapot, usually of the same pattern, used in serving tea. Also, tea service …
tea set — noun Date: 1763 a matching set of metalware or china (as a teapot, sugar bowl, creamer, and often plates, cups, and saucers) for serving tea and sometimes coffee at table … New Collegiate Dictionary