- tea-kettle
- [ʹti:͵ketl] n
чайник (для кипячения воды)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
tea kettle — noun A kettle for boiling water for tea • • • Main Entry: ↑tea … Useful english dictionary
tea kettle — see teakettle … English dictionary
tea-kettle — … Useful english dictionary
storm in a tea-kettle — noun A big fuss made in a small context. But this momentary ebullition of feeling is but a storm in a tea kettle compared to the ferocity of a jealous lover seeking to devour his rival. Syn: tempest in a teapot, storm in a teacup … Wiktionary
Kettle (disambiguation) — Kettle may mean:*Kettle or teakettle, a metal pot with a spout and lid for boiling water for tea *Kettle (birds), a group of birds wheeling in flight *Kettle (landform), a glacial landform *Kettle Foods, a snack food company based in Salem,… … Wikipedia
kettle — (n.) O.E. cetil (Mercian), from L. catillus deep pan or dish for cooking, dim. of catinus bowl, dish, pot. A general Germanic borrowing (Cf. O.S. ketel, O.Fris. zetel, M.Du. ketel, O.H.G. kezzil, Ger. Kessel). Spelling with a k (c.1300) probably… … Etymology dictionary
Kettle — A kettle is a kitchenware piece. Depending on culture and historical location, in the context of bathware the word kettle can have a variety of meanings. In the United Kingdom,the United States , Australia, New Zealand, Ireland , Canada and South … Wikipedia
Tea — For other uses, see Tea (disambiguation). Tea Longjing tea being infused in a glass … Wikipedia
tea ceremony — Japanese chadō or cha no yu Ritualized preparation and drinking of tea developed in Japan. It involves a host and one or more guests; the tea, utensils, and movements used in preparing, serving, and drinking the tea are all prescribed. When tea… … Universalium
Tea culture — is defined by the way tea is made and consumed, by the way the people interact with tea, and by the aesthetics surrounding tea drinking.Tea is commonly drunk at social events, and many cultures have created intricate formal ceremonies for these… … Wikipedia
tea|ket|tle — «TEE KEHT uhl», noun. a kettle with a handle and spout for heating water … Useful english dictionary