- tea-bread
- [ʹti:bred] n
сдобная булочка к чаю
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
tea bread — noun sweetened buns to be eaten with tea • Hypernyms: ↑bun, ↑roll * * * noun : sweetened bread or buns to be eaten with tea * * * tea bread noun Light sweet bread or buns to be eaten with tea • • • Main Entry: ↑tea * * * … Useful english dictionary
tea bread — хлеб к чаю whole meal rye bread хлеб из ржаной муки или ржаного шрота to start a fresh loaf of bread начать новую буханку хлеба one piece bread хлеб, приготовленный из одного куска теста gluten enriched bread хлеб, обогащенный белками клейковины… … English-Russian travelling dictionary
tea bread — /ˈti brɛd/ (say tee bred) noun a light sweet bread, often flavoured with fruit, nuts, honey, etc., suitable for eating at morning or afternoon tea …
tea bread — noun a type of cake containing dried fruit that has been soaked in tea before baking … English new terms dictionary
Tea Time — Die Britische Teekultur entstand bereits im 17. Jahrhundert und ist weit über Großbritannien hinaus bekannt. Hinter China und Irland liegt das Vereinigte Königreich mit einem jährlichen Konsum von rund 3,5 Kilogramm Tee pro Kopf weltweit auf… … Deutsch Wikipedia
tea — n. & v. n. 1 a (in full tea plant) an evergreen shrub or small tree, Camellia sinensis, of India, China, etc. b its dried leaves. 2 a drink made by infusing tea leaves in boiling water. 3 a similar drink made from the leaves of other plants or… … Useful english dictionary
tea cake — noun 1. Britain : a light flat cake 2. : cookie * * * tea cake or tea bread, British. a kind of light bread or scone. * * * noun, pl ⋯ cakes [count] : a small, flat cake that usually has raisins and is e … Useful english dictionary
Tea culture — is defined by the way tea is made and consumed, by the way the people interact with tea, and by the aesthetics surrounding tea drinking.Tea is commonly drunk at social events, and many cultures have created intricate formal ceremonies for these… … Wikipedia
What's for tea? Bread and duck under the table — you ll see! … Dictionary of Australian slang
what's for tea? bread and duck under the table — Australian Slang you ll see! … English dialects glossary
Tea sandwich — A tea sandwich is a small prepared sandwich meant to be eaten at afternoon teatime to stave off hunger until the main meal. The tea sandwich may take a number of different forms, but should be easy to handle, and should be capable of being eaten… … Wikipedia