- tax-free
- [͵tæksʹfri:] a
освобождённый от уплаты налогов; не подлежащий обложению; не облагаемый налогом (о товаре и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
tax-free — ˌtax ˈfree adjective TAX tax free income, investments, activities etc are not taxed: • Most municipal bonds are totally tax free. • He retired with a tax free lump sum (= single large amount of money ) of £80,000. tax free adverb … Financial and business terms
Tax Free — refers to certain types of goods and/or financial products (such as municipal bonds) that are not taxed and with earnings that are not taxed. The tax free status of these goods and/or funds may incentivize individuals and business entities to… … Investment dictionary
Tax Free — это система возврата суммы налога на добавленную стоимость (НДС). Налог возвращается на покупки, сделанные иностранными гражданами при обратном пересечении границы той страны, в которой они были приобретены. В основном по системе Tax Free… … Банковская энциклопедия
tax-free — adj not taxed ▪ He was paid a tax free cash sum as compensation. >tax free adv ▪ You can earn up to £65 per week tax free … Dictionary of contemporary English
tax–free — adj: tax exempt Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
tax-free — adjective if something is tax free, you do not pay tax on it … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
tax-free — [taks΄frē′] adj. 1. having no taxes [a tax free state] 2. TAX EXEMPT … English World dictionary
Tax free — Эта статья или раздел описывает ситуацию применительно лишь к одному региону. Вы можете помочь Википедии, добавив информацию для других стран и регионов … Википедия
tax-free — also tax free ADJ: ADJ n, amount ADJ, v link ADJ Tax free is used to describe income on which you do not have to pay tax. ...a tax free investment plan. ...a return of 16.5% tax free... Redundancy payments are tax free up to ₤30,000 … English dictionary
tax-free — UK / US adjective if something is tax free, you do not pay tax on it … English dictionary
ˌtax-ˈfree — adj something that is tax free is something that you do not pay tax on … Dictionary for writing and speaking English