- tariff-reform
- [ʹtærıfrı͵fɔ:m] n
1) протекционистская реформа (в Великобритании)2) снижение таможенных пошлин (в США)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Tariff Reform — tariff reform, U.S. a reduction of most import duties. Tariff Reform, British. an increase or extension of most import duties … Useful english dictionary
tariff reform — tariff reform, U.S. a reduction of most import duties. Tariff Reform, British. an increase or extension of most import duties … Useful english dictionary
Tariff Reform League — The Tariff Reform League (TRL) was a pressure group formed in 1903 to protest against unfair foreign imports and to advocate Imperial Preference to protect British industry from foreign competition. It was well funded and included politicians,… … Wikipedia
Tariff Reform League — A lobby formed in London July 21, 1903, to advocate the adoption of tariff protection for British or imperial industry and the abandonment of unilateral free trade. It was formed in reaction to Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain ’ s call… … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914
tariff-reform — … Useful english dictionary
Reform movement — redirects here. For specific organizations by that name, see Reform Movement (disambiguation) A reform movement is a kind of social movement that aims to make gradual change, or change in certain aspects of society rather than rapid or… … Wikipedia
tariff reformer — noun A person who favoured the early 20c movement for Tariff Reform or Protection, as opposed to Free Trade • • • Main Entry: ↑tariff … Useful english dictionary
Tariff — For other uses, see Tariff (disambiguation). Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia
tariff — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ high, low ▪ preferential, protectionist, protective ▪ British industry was sheltered from foreign competition by protective tariffs. ▪ punit … Collocations dictionary
Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act — The Revenue Act or Wilson Gorman Tariff of 1894 (ch. 349, §73, USStat|28|570, August 27, 1894) slightly reduced the United States tariff rates from the numbers set in the 1890 McKinley tariff and imposed a 2% income tax. It is named for William L … Wikipedia
Revenue Tariff Party — The Revenue Tariff Party, also known as the Tariff Reform Party, was a minor Australian political party that operated in Tasmania in 1903. It elected one member, William McWilliams, to the House of Representatives, and one member, Henry Dobson,… … Wikipedia