- Tarheel
- [ʹtɑ:hi:l,ʹtɑ:͵hi:lə] n амер.
дегтярник (шутливое прозвище уроженца или жителя Северной Каролины)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
TarHeel — ☆ Tarheel [tär′hēl΄ ] n. Informal a person born or living in North Carolina, called the Tarheel State * * * Tar Heel or Tar·heel (tärʹhēl ) n. A native or resident of North Carolina. [Perhaps from the tar that was once a major product of the… … Universalium
Tarheel — ☆ Tarheel [tär′hēl΄ ] n. Informal a person born or living in North Carolina, called the Tarheel State … English World dictionary
Tarheel — Tar heel, n. a native or resident of North Carolina; used as a nickname. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tarheel state — Tar heel state, n. North Carolina; used as a nickname. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tarheel, North Carolina — Tarheel is an unincorporated community in western Gates County, North Carolina. It is on the junction of U.S. Route 13, and U.S. Route 158, at an elevation of 39 feet (12 m).References*gnis|1025739ee also*Tar Heel, North Carolina … Wikipedia
Tarheel State — Tarheel State, a nickname for North Carolina … Useful english dictionary
Tarheel Forensic League — The Tarheel Forensic League is the speech and debate league for North Carolina. It was created in 1976 and is made up of 44 schools. The league participates in Lincoln Douglas debate, Public Forum debate, Congressional debate, and many more,… … Wikipedia
Tarheel — noun a native or resident of North Carolina • Syn: ↑North Carolinian • Hypernyms: ↑American … Useful english dictionary
The Tarheel State — «штат чернопяточников», «штат мажущих пятки смолой». Шутливое прозвище штата Северная Каролина и его жителей Tarheels. Возникло как презрительное прозвище во время гражданской войны, когда бригада северокаролинцев не смогла удержать позицию и… … Словарь топонимов США
Bobby Robinson (record producer) — Bobby Robinson (b. 16 April 1917, Union, South Carolina) is a prominent African American independent record producer in New York, most active from the 1950s through the mid 1980s. He established several highly successful record labels, and… … Wikipedia
The Larks — were an influential African American vocal group, active in the early 1950s. They were not the same group as the Los Angeles based Larks (originally The Meadowlarks) featuring Don Julian, who had a #7 hit on the Billboard Hot 100 with The Jerk in … Wikipedia