- Taimyr Peninsula
- [taıʹmıəpıʹnınsjʋlə] геогр.
полуостров Таймыр
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Taimyr Peninsula — [tī mir′] large peninsula in N Asian Russia, between the Kara & Laptev seas: c. 700 mi (1,127 km) wide at its base: also sp. Taymyr, Taimir, or Taymir … English World dictionary
Taimyr Peninsula — noun a peninsula in northern Siberia • Syn: ↑Taymyr Peninsula • Instance Hypernyms: ↑peninsula • Part Holonyms: ↑Siberia … Useful english dictionary
Taimyr Peninsula — /tuy mear /; Russ. /tuy mirdd / a peninsula in the N Russian Federation in Asia, between the Kara and Laptev seas. Also, Taimir Peninsula. * * * … Universalium
Taimyr Peninsula — Tai•myr′ (or Tai•mir′) Penin′sula [[t]taɪˈmɪər[/t]] n. geg a peninsula in the N Russian Federation in Asia, between the Kara and Laptev seas … From formal English to slang
peninsula — noun a large mass of land projecting into a body of water (Freq. 1) • Derivationally related forms: ↑peninsular • Hypernyms: ↑land, ↑dry land, ↑earth, ↑ground, ↑solid ground, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Península de Taimyr — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Mapa de la zona ártica de Rusia … Wikipedia Español
Taimyr — noun A large peninsula in the Russian North that forms the northernmost part of mainland Eurasia and Asia in Krasnoyarsk kray, Russia … Wiktionary
Taimyr — /taɪˈmɪə/ (say tuy mear) noun a large peninsula in northern Russia in Asia between the Kara and Laptev seas. Also, Taimir, Taymyr …
Taymyr Peninsula — noun a peninsula in northern Siberia • Syn: ↑Taimyr Peninsula • Instance Hypernyms: ↑peninsula • Part Holonyms: ↑Siberia … Useful english dictionary
Taymyr Peninsula — Peninsula, north central Siberia, northern Russia. It lies between the Kara Sea, the Laptev Sea, and the Vilkitsky Strait and includes Cape Chelyuskin, the northernmost point of Asia. Its central part is crossed by the Taymyra River, which is 400 … Universalium
Таймырский полуостров — (Taimyr Peninsula, Taymyr)Taimyr PeninsulaTaymyr, находится в тундровой зоне Сибири, Россия, далеко выдается от края материка в Северный Ледовитый океан, расположен между Карским морем и морем Лаптевых, к З. от эстуария р.Енисей. Оканчивается… … Страны мира. Словарь