
[ʹswi:preık] n с.-х.

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sweep-rake" в других словарях:

  • sweep rake — noun : buck rake …   Useful english dictionary

  • push-off sweep rake — noun : a tractor mounted power sweep rake with a frame that pushes the hay from the teeth instead of merely allowing it to slide off from the force of gravity …   Useful english dictionary

  • rake — Ⅰ. rake [1] ► NOUN ▪ an implement consisting of a pole with a toothed crossbar or fine tines at the end, used for drawing together leaves, cut grass, etc. or smoothing loose soil or gravel. ► VERB 1) draw together with a rake. 2) make smooth with …   English terms dictionary

  • rake — rake1 [rāk] n. [ME < OE raca; akin to ON reka, spade, Ger rechen, a rake < IE base * reĝ , to direct, put in order > RIGHT] 1. any of various long handled tools with teeth or prongs at one end, used for gathering loose grass, hay, leaves …   English World dictionary

  • sweep — [swēp] vt. swept, sweeping [ME swepen, akin to (or ? altered <) OE swapan: see SWOOP] 1. to clear or clean (a surface, room, etc.) as by brushing with a broom 2. to remove or clear away (dirt, debris, etc.) as with a broom or brushing movement …   English World dictionary

  • rake — [v] scrape up, hoe break up, clean up, clear, clear up, collect, comb, enfilade, examine, fine comb, fine tooth comb*, gather, grade, graze, grub, harrow, hunt, ransack, rasp, remove, rummage, scan, scour, scrape, scratch, scrutinize, search,… …   New thesaurus

  • Rake (Musik) — Ein Rake ist eine spezielle, perkussive Gitarrenspieltechnik, die mehrere Noten beinhaltet; der Rake klingt dabei durch schnelles Spielen wie eine einzige Note: Spielt ein Gitarrist ein Rake, so schlägt er zwischen zwei und vier Saiten an. Eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • rake — I. /reɪk / (say rayk) noun 1. a long handled tool with teeth or tines for gathering together hay or the like, breaking and smoothing the surface of ground, etc. 2. a similar implement used in agriculture, especially one drawn by a tractor. 3. any …  

  • rake — rake1 [reık] n [Sense: 1 2; Origin: Old English racu] [Sense: 3; Date: 1600 1700; Origin: Origin unknown] 1.) a gardening tool with a row of metal teeth at the end of a long handle, used for making soil level, gathering up dead leaves etc ▪ a… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • rake — rake1 rakable, rakeable, adj. raker, n. /rayk/, n., v., raked, raking. n. 1. an agricultural implement with teeth or tines for gathering cut grass, hay, or the like or for smoothing the surface of the ground. 2. any of various implements having a …   Universalium

  • rake — I [[t]reɪk[/t]] n. v. raked, rak•ing 1) agr. an agricultural implement with teeth or tines for gathering cut grass, hay, etc., or for smoothing the surface of the ground 2) any of various implements of similar form and use 3) agr. cv to gather,… …   From formal English to slang

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