- Sunbelt
- [ʹsʌnbelt] n
1. амер. солнечный край, крайний юг США2. (sunbelt) «солнечный пояс» (кольцевая территория с большим числом солнечных дней, пригодная для гелиоэнергетики)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sunbelt — 1969, with reference to the Southern U.S., from SUN (Cf. sun) + BELT (Cf. belt) … Etymology dictionary
Sunbelt — ☆ Sunbelt [sun′belt΄ ] that part of the U.S. comprising most of the states of the South and the Southwest, characterized by a warm, sunny climate and regarded as an area of rapid population and economic growth: also Sun Belt … English World dictionary
Sunbelt — Das Gebiet des Sun Belt Sun Belt ist die Bezeichnung für das Gebiet südlich des 37. Breitengrades der Vereinigten Staaten. Diese Region hat sich in den letzten Jahren ebenso zur Zukunftsregion der amerikanischen Wirtschaft entwickelt, wie sie… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sunbelt — Sun|belt, Sun Belt [ sʌnbelt], der; s [engl. amerik. sunbelt, eigtl. = Sonnengürtel]: südliches Gebiet der USA, das klimatisch begünstigt ist. * * * Sun|belt [ sʌn belt], (auch:) Sun Belt, der; s [engl. amerik. sunbelt, eigtl. = Sonnengürtel]:… … Universal-Lexikon
sunbelt — [[t]sʌ̱nbelt[/t]] N SING: usu the N The warmer, sunnier parts of a country or continent, especially the southern United States, are sometimes referred to as the sunbelt. During the last recession, migration to the sunbelt accelerated … English dictionary
sunbelt — {n.}, {informal} A portion of the southern United States where the winter is very mild in comparison to other states. * /The Simpsons left Chicago for the sunbelt because of Jeff s rheumatism./ … Dictionary of American idioms
sunbelt — {n.}, {informal} A portion of the southern United States where the winter is very mild in comparison to other states. * /The Simpsons left Chicago for the sunbelt because of Jeff s rheumatism./ … Dictionary of American idioms
SunBelt — Sun Belt En rouge, la Sun Belt … Wikipédia en Français
Sunbelt — Sun|belt the Sunbelt the southern and southwestern parts of the US, from Virginia to South California, called this because of the hot, sunny climate in this area … Dictionary of contemporary English
sunbelt — noun informal A portion of the southern United States where the winter is very mild in comparison to other states. The Simpsons left Chicago for the sunbelt because of Jeff s rheumatism … Словарь американских идиом
Sunbelt Personal Firewall — Sunbelt Kerio Personal Firewall Entwickler Sunbelt Software Aktuelle Version 4.6.1861 (10. November 2008) Betriebssystem Windows 2000 Pro, Windows XP (Home, Professional und Media Center Edition) und Windows Vista (nicht jedoch auf x64 … Deutsch Wikipedia