- suck-a-thumb
- [ʹsʌkəθʌm] n
ребёнок, который сосёт свой палец
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
suck — suck1 [ sʌk ] verb ** 1. ) intransitive or transitive to pull liquid into your mouth by using the muscles in your cheeks and tongue: After the accident, I could only suck liquids through a straw. suck at: a baby sucking at the breast a ) to put… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
suck — I UK [sʌk] / US verb Word forms suck : present tense I/you/we/they suck he/she/it sucks present participle sucking past tense sucked past participle sucked ** 1) [intransitive/transitive] to pull liquid into your mouth by using the muscles in… … English dictionary
suck — suck1 S3 [sʌk] v [: Old English; Origin: sucan] 1.) [I and T] to take air, liquid etc into your mouth by making your lips form a small hole and using the muscles of your mouth to pull it in suck sth in ▪ Michael put the cigarette to his lips and… … Dictionary of contemporary English
suck — 1 verb (I, T) 1 drink to take liquid into your mouth by tightening your lips into a small hole and using the muscles of your mouth to pull the liquid in: suck at sth: a baby sucking at its mother s breast | suck sth up: Jennie sucked up the last… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Thumb sucking — is the act of putting the thumb into the mouth and rhythmically repeating sucking contact for a prolonged duration. It can also be accomplished with any piece of skin within reach (such as the big toe) and is considered to be soothing and… … Wikipedia
suck — [suk] vt. [ME suken < OE sucan, akin to Ger saugen < IE * seuk , *seug < base * seu , damp, juice > SUP1, L sucus, juice, sugere, to suck] 1. a) to draw (liquid) into the mouth by creating a vacuum or partial vacuum with the lips,… … English World dictionary
thumb-suck|ing — «THUHM SUHK ihng», noun. the habit of sucking one s thumb … Useful english dictionary
Thumb (band) — Thumb was a German Rapcore band formed in November 1993 in Gütersloh. According to the band s official website they appear to have ceased in 2005 into various side projects; Steffen has joined H Blockx, Jens is in Taetowier Studio, Jan Hendrik is … Wikipedia
thumb-sucker — thumb suck·er thəm .sək ər n an infant or young child that habitually sucks a thumb … Medical dictionary
thumb-sucking — thumb suck·ing .sək iŋ n the habit of sucking a thumb beyond the period of physiological need … Medical dictionary
suck — /sʌk / (say suk) verb (t) 1. to draw into the mouth by action of the lips and tongue which produces a partial vacuum: to suck lemonade through a straw. 2. to draw (water, moisture, air, etc.) by any process resembling this: plants suck up… …