
[ʹsʌb͵kʌmpənı] n
дочерняя или подконтрольная компания

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sub-company" в других словарях:

  • sub — sub·abdominal; sub·account; sub·acetate; sub·acid; sub·acidity; sub·acute; sub·adult; sub·aerial; sub·aesthetic; sub·age; sub·agency; sub·agent; sub·akhmimic; sub·alary; sub·alate; sub·alimentation; sub·alkaline; sub·allocate; sub·almoner;… …   English syllables

  • Sub-Zero Refrigerator — is a brand of residential refrigerator built in the USA. The company also manufactures kitchen appliances under the Wolf brand name. History The Sub Zero Freezer Company was founded in 1945, by Westye F. Bakke in Madison, Wisconsin. In 2000, they …   Wikipedia

  • Sub Verse Music — was a record label specializing in hip hop. It existed from 1998 to 2003 and released recordings by MF Doom, Blackalicious and KMD, among others.HistoryThe label was dedicated to underground, conscious hip hop and was started by Bigg Jus, one of… …   Wikipedia

  • sub-agent — ˈsub ˌagent noun [countable] JOBS COMMERCE a person or company who works for or represents an agent: • The company placed the emphasis on the international market and, instead of using sub agents, opened its own offices …   Financial and business terms

  • Sub Pop 200 — Сборник VA …   Википедия

  • Company of the Wolf — Founded 2005 Location Australian, based in Australia Period 1250–1490 Speciality …   Wikipedia

  • sub|sid´i|ar´i|ly — sub|sid|i|ar|y «suhb SIHD ee EHR ee», adjective, noun, plural ar|ies. –adj. 1. useful to assist or supplement; auxiliary; supplementary: »The teacher sold books as a subsidiary occupation. 2. subordinate; secondary: »a subsidiary issue …   Useful english dictionary

  • sub|sid|i|ar|y — «suhb SIHD ee EHR ee», adjective, noun, plural ar|ies. –adj. 1. useful to assist or supplement; auxiliary; supplementary: »The teacher sold books as a subsidiary occupation. 2. subordinate; secondary: »a subsidiary issue …   Useful english dictionary

  • sub-optimization — UK US (UK also sub optimisation) noun [U] WORKPLACE ► a situation in which a business is not as successful as it could be because one part or department works only on its own or only for its own success: »The chief HR officer is often excluded… …   Financial and business terms

  • Sub Target Gun-Maschine — (engl. target, Scheibe, und gun, Gewehr), Vorrichtung, die alle Bewegungen und Fehler, die ein Schütze beim Zielen und Abdrücken mit dem Gewehr macht, genau registriert, ohne die Handhabung der Waffe zu stören; sie wurde von der Sub Target Gun… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • sub-divide — For various reasons a company may wish to consolidate its share capital by combining shares into units, for example consolidating 10p shares into ₤1 shares by combining each set of ten 10p shares held by the shareholder into one ₤1 share. This… …   Law dictionary

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