- strophic
- [ʹstrɒfık,-{ʹstrɒfık}(ə)l] a стих.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Strophic — Stroph ic, a. Pertaining to, containing, or consisting of, strophes. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
strophic — (adj.) 1848, from STROPHE (Cf. strophe) + IC (Cf. ic) … Etymology dictionary
Strophic form — (verse repeating or chorus form) is the simplest and most durable of musical forms, elaborating a piece of music by repetition of a single formal section. This may be analyzed as A A A... . This additive method is the musical analogue of repeated … Wikipedia
strophic song — strophic song, Music. a song having the same melody or music for every stanza … Useful english dictionary
strophic — adjective Date: 1848 1. relating to, containing, or consisting of strophes 2. of a song using the same music for successive stanzas compare through composed … New Collegiate Dictionary
strophic — strophically, adv. /strof ik, stroh fik/, adj. 1. Also, strophical. consisting of, pertaining to, or characterized by a strophe or strophes. 2. Music. (of a song) having the same music for each successive stanza. Cf. through composed. [1840 50;… … Universalium
strophic — adjective /ˈstrəʊfɪk,ˈstrɒfɪk/ a) Using or containing strophes. b) Of a song, composed so that every stanza is set to the same music. Ant: through composed … Wiktionary
strophic — stroph·ic || strÉ‘fɪk / strÉ’f adj. of or pertaining to a strophe … English contemporary dictionary
strophic — stroph·ic … English syllables
strophic — stroph•ic [[t]ˈstrɒf ɪk, ˈstroʊ fɪk[/t]] adj. 1) lit. Also, stroph′i•cal. consisting of, pertaining to, or characterized by a strophe or strophes 2) mad (of a song) having the same music for each successive stanza • Etymology: 1840–50… … From formal English to slang
strophic — … Useful english dictionary