- strong-fisted
- [͵strɒŋʹfıstıd] a
имеющий крепкие кулаки
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Strong — Strong, a. [Compar. {Stronger}; superl. {Strongest}.] [AS. strang, strong; akin to D. & G. streng strict, rigorous, OHG. strengi strong, brave, harsh, Icel. strangr strong, severe, Dan. streng, Sw. str[ a]ng strict, severe. Cf. {Strength},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Strong conjugation — Strong Strong, a. [Compar. {Stronger}; superl. {Strongest}.] [AS. strang, strong; akin to D. & G. streng strict, rigorous, OHG. strengi strong, brave, harsh, Icel. strangr strong, severe, Dan. streng, Sw. str[ a]ng strict, severe. Cf. {Strength} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
strong — adj 1. mighty, powerful, strong as a bull or horse or moose or lion, Herculean, Atlantean, Sl. packing a punch or wallop, Archaic. potential; muscular, sinewy, wiry, brawny, strapping, well built, athletic, musclebound; sturdy as an ox, burly,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
two-fisted attack — strong verbal attack, much argument, fight tooth and nail If you protect the wolves, you can expect a two fisted attack from the ranchers … English idioms
hard-fisted — {adj.} 1. Able to do hard physical labor; strong. * /Jack s uncle was a hard fisted truck driver with muscles of steel./ 2. Not gentle or easy going; tough; stern. * /The new teacher was a hard fisted woman who would allow no nonsense./ 3. Stingy … Dictionary of American idioms
hard-fisted — {adj.} 1. Able to do hard physical labor; strong. * /Jack s uncle was a hard fisted truck driver with muscles of steel./ 2. Not gentle or easy going; tough; stern. * /The new teacher was a hard fisted woman who would allow no nonsense./ 3. Stingy … Dictionary of American idioms
Hard-fisted — Hard fist ed ( f[i^]st [e^]d), a. 1. Having hard or strong hands; as, a hard fisted laborer. [1913 Webster] 2. Close fisted; covetous; niggardly. Bp. Hall. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hard-fisted — adj 1. Able to do hard physical labor; strong. Jack s uncle was a hard fisted truck driver with muscles of steel. 2. Not gentle or easy going; tough; stern. The new teacher was a hard fisted woman who would allow no nonsense. 3. Stingy or mean;… … Словарь американских идиом
hard-fisted — hard fistedness, hardfistedness, n. /hahrd fis tid/, adj. 1. stingy; miserly; closefisted. 2. tough minded; ruthless: hard fisted revolutionists. 3. having hard or strong hands, as a laborer. Also, hardfisted. [1650 60] * * * … Universalium
hard-fisted — hard fistedness, hardfistedness, n. /hahrd fis tid/, adj. 1. stingy; miserly; closefisted. 2. tough minded; ruthless: hard fisted revolutionists. 3. having hard or strong hands, as a laborer. Also … Useful english dictionary
two-fisted — /tooh fis tid/, adj. 1. ready for or inclined to physical combat. 2. strong and vigorous. [1765 75, Amer.; TWO + FIST1 + ED3] * * * … Universalium