- Stewart Island
- [ʹstjʋətʹaılənd] геогр.
остров Стюарт
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Stewart Island — Satellitenbild von Stewart Island Gewässer Südpazifik Geo … Deutsch Wikipedia
Stewart Island — [ stjʊət aɪlənd], südlich der Südinsel gelegene Insel Neuseelands, durch die Foveauxstraße von dieser getrennt, 1 746 km2, 540 Einwohner. Die annähernd dreieckige, durch Buchten stark gegliederte Insel ist überwiegend gebirgig (im Mount Anglem… … Universal-Lexikon
Stewart Island — one of the islands of New Zealand, S of South Island. 329; 670 sq. mi. (1735 sq. km). * * * ▪ island, New Zealand third largest island of New Zealand, in the southwest Pacific Ocean off the southern tip of South Island. Roughly triangular… … Universalium
Stewart Island/Rakiura — Stewart Island/RakiuraTerritorial AuthorityNameStewart Island/RakiuraPopulation402 (2006)Land area1,746 km²Regional CouncilNameSouthland Stewart Island / Rakiura is the third largest island of New Zealand. It lies convert|30|km south of South… … Wikipedia
Stewart Island Lodge (Stewart Island) — Stewart Island Lodge country: New Zealand, city: Stewart Island (Oban) Stewart Island Lodge The Stewart Island Lodge is located in the main township of Oban. The township is small and compact with a post office, convenience store, museum, several … International hotels
Stewart Island Flights — is a small, regional New Zealand airline offering scheduled and scenic flights from its base in Invercargill, a city on the southern coast of South Island. The airline s scheduled flights link Invercargill with Stewart Island, a small island… … Wikipedia
Stewart Island (New Zealand) — Hotels: Rakiura Lodge Stewart Island (Oban) Stewart Island Lodge (Oban) … International hotels
Stewart Island Shag — Taxobox name = Stewart Island Shag image width = 225px status = VU | status system = IUCN3.1 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Pelecaniformes familia = Phalacrocoracidae genus = Phalacrocorax species = P. chalconotus… … Wikipedia
Stewart Island — geographical name island New Zealand S of South Island area 675 square miles (1748 square kilometers) … New Collegiate Dictionary
Stewart Island — Stew′art Is′land [[t]ˈstu ərt, ˈstyu [/t]] n. geg one of the islands of New Zealand, S of South Island. 670 sq. mi. (1735 sq. km) … From formal English to slang
Stewart Island — /stjuət ˈaɪlənd/ (say styoohuht uyluhnd) noun one of the islands of New Zealand, south of the South Island. 1735 km2 …