- stellate
- [ʹstel(e)ıt,ʹsteleıtıd] a
1. 1) звездообразный2) спец. с расходящимися лучами3) мат. звёздчатый2. поэт. усыпанный звёздами (о небосводе)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Stellate — Stellate, meaning star shaped, may refer to:* Stellate cell * Stellate ganglion * Stellate reticulum * Stellate veins * Stellate trichomes (hairs) on plants … Wikipedia
Stellate — Stel late, Stellated Stel la*ted, a. [L. stellatus, p. p. of stellare to set or cover with stars, from stella a star. See {Stellar}.] 1. Resembling a star; pointed or radiated, like the emblem of a star. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) Starlike; having… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stellate — c.1500, star spangled, from L. stellatus covered with stars, pp. of stellare to set with stars, from stella (see STAR (Cf. star)). Meaning star shaped is recorded from 1660s … Etymology dictionary
stellate — [stel′āt΄, stel′it] adj. [L stellatus, pp. of stellare, to cover with stars < stella, a STAR] shaped like a star; coming out in rays or points from a center: also stellated stellately adv … English World dictionary
stellate — Star shaped. [L. stella, a star] * * * stel·late ste .lāt adj shaped like a star <a stellate ulcer> * * * stel·late (stelґāt) [L. stellatus] shaped like a star; arranged in a roset, or in rosets … Medical dictionary
stellate reticulum — n a loosely connected mass of stellate epithelial cells that in early developmental stages makes up a large portion of the enamel organ * * * the soft, middle part of the enamel organ of a developing tooth, the cells being separated by an… … Medical dictionary
stellate cell — n a cell (as a Kupffer cell) with radiating cytoplasmic processes * * * any cell having a star shaped appearance produced by numerous processes that extend in different directions, such as the Kupffer and hepatic stellate cells in the liver and… … Medical dictionary
stellate block — stellate ganglion block regional anesthesia produced by blocking of the stellate (cervicothoracic) ganglion … Medical dictionary
stellate ganglion — n a composite ganglion formed by fusion of the inferior cervical ganglion and the first thoracic ganglion of the sympathetic chain of a vertebrate animal * * * a star shaped collection of sympathetic nerve cell bodies in the root of the neck,… … Medical dictionary
stellate ligament — n RADIATE LIGAMENT … Medical dictionary
Stellate ganglion — Nerve: Stellate ganglion Plan of right sympathetic cord and splanchnic nerves. (Stellate ganglion not visible, but region is shown.) Latin ganglion cervicothoracicum, ganglion stellatum From … Wikipedia