Stavropol Territory

Stavropol Territory
[ʹstɑ:vrəp(ə)lʹterıt(ə)rı] геогр.
Ставропольский край

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "Stavropol Territory" в других словарях:

  • Stavropol Krai — Ставропольский край (Russian)   Krai   …   Wikipedia

  • Stavropol Soviet Republic — (Russian: Ставропольская Советская Республика [ Stavropol’skaja Sovetskaja Respublika ] ) (January 1 July 7, 1918) was part of the RSFSR in the territory of Stavropol Guberniya of the Imperial Russia. Its capital was Stavropol.It was merged into… …   Wikipedia

  • Stavropol — /stav roh peuhl/; Russ. /stah vrddeuh peuhl/, n. 1. a territory of the Russian Federation in Europe, N of the Caucasus. 2,306,000; 29,600 sq. mi. (76,960 sq. km). 2. the capital of this territory. 306,000. 3. former name of Tolyatti. * * * ▪… …   Universalium

  • Stavropol Krai —    An administrative province of the Russian Federation. Previously called the Ordzhonikidze Krai, Stavropol was given its current name in 1943. Situated in the central North Caucasus, the krai borders Kalmykiya, Dagestan, Chechnya, North… …   Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation

  • Stavropol — Stav•ro•pol [[t]stævˈroʊ pəl[/t]] n. 1) geg a territory of the Russian Federation in Europe. 2,306,000; 29,600 sq. mi. (76,960 sq. km) 2) geg the capital of this territory. 306,000 3) geg former name of Tolyatti …   From formal English to slang

  • Stavropol — /stav roh peuhl/; Russ. /stah vrddeuh peuhl/, n. 1. a territory of the Russian Federation in Europe, N of the Caucasus. 2,306,000; 29,600 sq. mi. (76,960 sq. km). 2. the capital of this territory. 306,000. 3. former name of Tolyatti …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stavropol' — geographical name 1. territory S Russia in Europe N of the Caucasus area 31,120 square miles (80,600 square kilometers), population 2,536,000 2. city, its capital population 332,000 3. see Tol yatti …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Manych Ship Canal — The Manych Ship Canal is a projected water transport connection between the basins of the Sea of Azov/Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. The most probable technical parameters of Manych Ship Canal are 6.5 m in depth, 80 m in width and more than 75… …   Wikipedia

  • Gorbachev, Mikhail — ▪ president of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in full  Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev   born March 2, 1931, Privolye, Stavropol kray, Russia, U.S.S.R.       Soviet official, the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union… …   Universalium

  • Muslim society — #3 Terrorist grouping of the wahhabism stream, operating in Russia. On the account of members of a grouping explosions of apartment houses in Moscow and Volgodonsk in 1999 (232 victims), 2 acts of terrorism in the Moscow underground in 2004 (52… …   Wikipedia

  • Muslim society №3 — Muslim society #3 Terrorist grouping of the Wahhabism stream, operating in Russia. This is on the account of members committing a grouping explosions of apartment houses in Moscow and Volgodonsk in 1999 (232 victims), 2 acts of terrorism in the… …   Wikipedia

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