- Statesider
- [ʹsteıt͵saıdə] n амер.
коренной американец; гражданин США
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
statesider — /stayt suy deuhr/, n. a person who lives in one of the forty eight contiguous states of the U.S. Also, state sider. [STATESIDE + ER1] * * * … Universalium
statesider — state·sid·er … English syllables
statesider — “ə(r) noun Usage: usually capitalized : a native or inhabitant of the continental United States as regarded from outside its limits Statesiders employed in government offices on Guam * * * /stayt suy deuhr/, n. a person who lives in one of the… … Useful english dictionary
Demonym — A demonym ( /ˈdɛm … Wikipedia
Alternative adjectives for U.S. citizens — There are a number of alternative adjectives to American as a demonym for a person of the United States that cannot simultaneously mean any inhabitant of the Americas.The most widely used and recognized term in English for a person of the United… … Wikipedia