- starry-eyed
- [͵stɑ:rıʹaıd] a разг.
мечтательный; непрактичный, не от мира сего
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
starry-eyed — ☆ starry eyed [stär′ēid΄ ] adj. 1. with the eyes sparkling in a glow of happiness, dreams, wonder, romance, etc. 2. impractical, unrealistic, overly optimistic, etc. [a starry eyed reformer] … English World dictionary
Starry Eyed — is a Michael Holliday song and single that reached the UK number one single in January 29 1960. It was written by Earl Shuman and Mark Garson and produced by Norrie Paramor. It entered the charts on 1 January 1960, and spent 12 weeks there… … Wikipedia
starry-eyed — adj informal happy and hopeful about things in a way that is silly or ↑unrealistic … Dictionary of contemporary English
starry-eyed — [adj] unrealistic dreaming, half baked*, hoping, impossible, improbable, ivory tower*, nonrealistic, not sensible, on cloud nine*, optimistic, romantic, silly; concepts 552,560 … New thesaurus
starry-eyed — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ naively enthusiastic or idealistic … English terms dictionary
starry-eyed — ADJ GRADED If you say that someone is starry eyed, you mean that they have such a positive or hopeful view of a situation that they do not see what it is really like. I m not starry eyed about Europe. ...a starry eyed young couple … English dictionary
starry-eyed — happy and hopeful about something, in a way which prevents you from thinking about the bad things about it. Starry eyed youngsters may dream of running away to the circus but life on the road is far from romantic. Her accounts of small town… … New idioms dictionary
starry-eyed — adjective unrealistically or naively optimistic a starry eyed reformer starry eyed idealism • Similar to: ↑optimistic … Useful english dictionary
starry-eyed — star|ry eyed [ ,stari aıd ] adjective someone who is starry eyed has a lot of hopes or dreams about success in the future, but does not plan things in a sensible way … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
starry-eyed — /stahr ee uyd /, adj. overly romantic or idealistic: He was a starry eyed dreamer. [1900 05] * * * … Universalium
starry-eyed — adjective Describing one who has naïvely optimistic hopes or outlooks. He was so starry eyed when he started, but reality ground him down, and he became both more realistic and more practical … Wiktionary