- sphinx-baboon
- [ʹsfıŋksbə͵bu:n] n зоол.
гвинейский бабуин (Papio sphinx)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Sphinx baboon — Sphinx Sphinx, n. [L., from Gr. sfi gx, usually derived from sfi ggein to bind tight or together, as if the Throttler.] 1. (a) In Egyptian art, an image of granite or porphyry, having a human head, or the head of a ram or of a hawk, upon the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sphinx baboon — noun : a large West African baboon (Papio sphinx) often kept in menageries … Useful english dictionary
Sphinx — Sphinx, n. [L., from Gr. sfi gx, usually derived from sfi ggein to bind tight or together, as if the Throttler.] 1. (a) In Egyptian art, an image of granite or porphyry, having a human head, or the head of a ram or of a hawk, upon the wingless… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sphinx moth — Sphinx Sphinx, n. [L., from Gr. sfi gx, usually derived from sfi ggein to bind tight or together, as if the Throttler.] 1. (a) In Egyptian art, an image of granite or porphyry, having a human head, or the head of a ram or of a hawk, upon the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cynocephalus sphinx — Sphinx Sphinx, n. [L., from Gr. sfi gx, usually derived from sfi ggein to bind tight or together, as if the Throttler.] 1. (a) In Egyptian art, an image of granite or porphyry, having a human head, or the head of a ram or of a hawk, upon the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cynocephalus sphinx — Sphinx Sphinx, n. [L., from Gr. sfi gx, usually derived from sfi ggein to bind tight or together, as if the Throttler.] 1. (a) In Egyptian art, an image of granite or porphyry, having a human head, or the head of a ram or of a hawk, upon the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Baboon — For other uses, see Baboon (disambiguation). Baboon[1] … Wikipedia
sphinx — n. 1 (Sphinx) (in Greek mythology) the winged monster of Thebes, having a woman s head and a lion s body, whose riddle Oedipus guessed and who consequently killed herself. 2 Antiq. a any of several ancient Egyptian stone figures having a lion s… … Useful english dictionary
Sphinx — n. 1 (Sphinx) (in Greek mythology) the winged monster of Thebes, having a woman s head and a lion s body, whose riddle Oedipus guessed and who consequently killed herself. 2 Antiq. a any of several ancient Egyptian stone figures having a lion s… … Useful english dictionary
Olive baboon — Olive baboon[1] Conservation status … Wikipedia
Chacma baboon — Chacma baboon[1] P. u. griseipes, male, Kruger Park, South Africa Conservation status … Wikipedia